G-lectic, a young talented dj and producer, entered the world of electronic music in the year 2000, as he started going to his first parties. From the early beginning he became very attracted to the sound of techno. As he started going deeper into the scene, he came to the point where he became a dj and later on he also started creating his own tracks on PC. This led him to start his own studio, working almost every day on tracks. As a result some very good tracks came out and this way he started to show his talent for production. He creates his tracks with a specific sound and a very positive energy that puts a smile on the the face every listener. The quality of his production as well as his performance as a dj are improving and developing day by day and there is no doubt that the future will bring him great success. A rising dj star and a producer, with many visions that push him to make the prefect music and to give his peace to the whole electronic music scene.