2021年我在创作新专辑human romance的时候曾去到东山口采访路人,内容大多是关于爱情和浪漫。其中有认认真真的老教师,有刚刚上学的小朋友,有孤独一生的老人,有独树一帜的服装品牌主理人。最令我印象深刻的是一个穿着jk的女模特,她告诉我她心中的浪漫就是下雨的夜晚一个人在空地上起舞。回到宿舍后我便创作了这首歌,希望大家会喜欢。 In 2021, when I was creating my new album “human romance”, I went to Guangzhou to interview passers-by, mostly about love and romance. Among them, there are serious old teachers, children who have just gone to school, old people who have lived a lonely life, and unique clothing brand managers. What impressed me most was a female model dressed in JK. She told me that the romance in her heart was dancing alone in the open space on a rainy night. After returning to school, I wrote this song. I hope you will like it.