坂本龙一在他的最后演出“Playing the Piano 2022” ,以“Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence”一曲作结。 他视是次演出为人生最后一次演出,并以一首让世人认识的作品作结,他的演出完全流露出他的情绪以至他对音乐至死不渝的热爱 — 他的肢体语言,本来就是一首动听的音乐。 “Gesture of the last play” 撷取并分析了坂本龙一在此一演奏时的肢体动作,并转化成音乐 — 一曲由坂本人生演奏的最后一曲、以身体所演绎的音乐。 Ryuichi Sakamoto played “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” as the last song in his last performance "Playing the Piano 2022". His performance reveals his emotions and his undying love for music - his body language is a beautiful piece of music. "Gesture of the last play" captures and analyzes Ryuichi Sakamoto's body movements during this performance, and transforms them into music - a last play of Sakamoto's life, a piece of music performed with his body gesture.