

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:其他
  • 发行时间:2016-12-02
  • 类型:EP


According to Adam Cates “things aren’t always what they seem when you’re dreaming the Dreamer’s Dream.” The faith journey, like a timeless song or work of art, takes you somewhere unexpected. Making music, like making love, must be about more than the destination…but a true relishing of the process. As an artist, husband, father and spiritual leader; Adam Cates is in process. If, as Jesus declared, “the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”, then what we put our hands to do is of crucial importance. Adam desires to be connected, in every moment, connected to the nearness of God’s love and grace. Adam’s songwriting and singing serves as lens to view life through the eyes of mercy. It is the stories that touch the heart and remind us how much we have been entrusted with and challenge us to live our story well. Growing up, Adam was always attracted to artists who could tell a story well…well enough to make you laugh…to make you cry. Writers like Peter Gabriel, James Taylor, Billy Joel and Tom Petty. Honest songs from honest hearts. Adam’s journey is infused with a fascination with the person and personality of God. What if all that honesty and raw passion could be applied to our interaction with the Father in Heaven. Adam has been privileged to witness and participate in a musical revolution that is bringing music back to its first love…the adoration of the One who created it…the worship of God. Adam Cates has joined a mighty throng of voices whose full sonic vitality is directed back to its source. Singing back to the One who first sung over us…a circle is completed and destiny is realized…all in this place of unadulterated worship.

