

  • 流派:流行
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2008-04-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


专辑中共有12首歌,前面所说的在Youtube上已经播到烂的《Umbrella》以及“年代久远”的《Miss Invisible》竟都收录在这张专辑里,不免让人觉得有偷工减料之嫌。其他的十首曲目确实有亮点,但总体来说没有给人太多惊喜,因为毕竟擅长演唱软摇滚和民谣风格的女歌手已经太多了。《Fool》被安排在专辑的第一首是个败笔,Marié在这首歌里的演唱显得相当低沉暗淡,在我听来这首开篇作品并没有调动我继续听下去的兴趣;接着的《Better Off Alone》前奏跳跃的钢琴让人心情愉快,而Marié的声音也回到了清亮自然的状态;接下来的《Say It Again》被作为主打单曲应该算是正确的选择,Marié用动听的歌声与你一起探讨小女生的爱情心事;前面提到的获奖歌曲《Miss Invisible》是一首略显伤感但又充满励志情感的民谣小品;《Stupid For You》是专辑的另一个出彩之作,调皮灵动的氛围很是有嘻皮的味道;专辑同名曲《Unfold》也是很不错的作品,富有层次感的编曲,还有Marié真假音自如转换的演唱都给人以享受。       如果要给专辑打个分的话,我觉得应该徘徊在3星到3星半之间。还是那句话,缺乏惊喜。Marié Digby的第一步走的并不坚实,我想从2004年到2008年这么久的时间,作为歌曲创作者的Marié Digby应该积累了不少优秀的新歌才对,但是明显的,专辑的整体质量还是有所欠缺。不过话说回来,无论什么时候,自弹自唱又能写歌的年轻音乐人都是值得每个热爱音乐的人推崇的,Marié理应得到人们的关注。   Los Angeles native singer/songwriter Marié Digby has caused a stir in cyberspace and the media with a series of highly successful music video performances on YouTube. Combining her own material and her own unique take on songs written by other artists, Marié has built a devoted following of fans all over the world with 15 million (and counting) views of her clips. Starting in Los Angeles, there's been a mini-explosion of attention as radio stations have found first her version of "Umbrella" and now her single "Say It Again", fresh and winning. NBC's Carson Daly had Marié perform on his show August 2.      With sold out shows at L.A. nightspots, select national dates with Brett Dennen, nationwide radio hits, a growing media profile (including features in the Rolling Stone "Hot" issue, New York Times, Spin, Lucky, Wall Street Journal, Girl's Life, Cosmo Girl and L.A. Times) plus songs that people just can't get enough of, 2008 is shaping up to be a great year for Marié Digby. Her debut album "Unfold" is an April 8, 2008 release.      Marié is also one of 5 artists to be featured in GAP'S spring 2008 ad campaign "Colors".      Marié's EP "Start Here" and Christmas single "Bring Me Love" are currently available online.      Marié (pr. Mahr-ee-ay)
