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Urban Jazz Soul Music. The honest mix from an Urban Jazz musician that will have your mind on a Souful journey through space. "When our minds are set free, we can travel over any obstacle." The need for travel music: every one takes trips, either by the popular Planes, Trains or Automobiles. But have you ever taken a spaceship? Chances are you have. You ever been somewhere and for a moment or two you sort of "spaced out"? C.Marshall visions that as climbing on a spaceship and just taking off for a moment. Maybe to clear your head or just zone out. Once you're on that spaceship, no one can get to you, bother you or stress you out. Travel Music for Spaceships is that music that accompanies you on your travel. The Perfect Travel Music. Use this album as a time for lounging, meditation or prayer. Travel over all the things that prevent you from being where or who you were created to be. Track For Track-interview Ponder- Before anything starts it begins with a thought. Ponder is the Track that welcomes you to the album. I wanted the track to have a vibe that will prepare listeners for the mood of the album. giving them a famliar sound and style that will be present throughout. Ponder represents the thought process that all of us have. So many thoughts and emotions are present in our lives & this track kind of prepares that introspectual look that moves us to make a change. Travel Ova- This track is the meaning of the album. Travel over all the obstacles that prevent us from being where or who we need to be. I do believe that the most meaningful travel is inward, and that is one that brings the most change. The lyrics are really self explained and mapped out. We are about to take a journey to place that you can't physically see. You don't have to travel for a long time, all you have to do is exist. Forget about all your hurts worries concerns because they are not in front of you anymore. They can't block your journey. Once we leave everything else gets easy. don't do alot of chores while listening to this album just chill out. And once we do that we are ready to start that change or travel. Lift off- Representing the 1st shock of starting or even the force it takes to lift off. In order to get something going it takes a greater force than what is already present. Usually this can be the resistance to why things are uncomfortable at first and why we give up to doing the things that we are destined to do. We don't like the resistance. This track is short because I think that resistance is short and once you get going momentum starts helping you throughout your journey. Notice the track kind of fades out then changes to a different feel. Kinda like you left the earths atmosphere and now seeing the distant stars and wonders of space that represent opportunity. Sunrise Tearsfall- After everything gets going it gets good. It's like early morning sunrise bright and happy-then something happens to make tears fall. When changing our lives we are happy with the attempt but of course we sometimes weep at the effects of change. But we still keep going, knowing when tears fall again there will be a sunrise to dry our tears or over shine them. Savant / Knowing- Savant has a french origin meaning knowing (a knowing person,who saves). It is used to discribe a learned person or distinguished scientist who uses the things that he has learned to help or save. I guess I liked that word and wanted display it as now that you are taking this journey you start to realize lessons about the things you are experienceing or experienced. You are now confident in your dicision to change. You are a Savant for that. Your decision to change has saved you (Not to be confused with self righteousness), but you are realizing that the more know the more you don't know & you become a student which forever puts you in a position to learn and grow. A fool stops learning. If we stopped learning we would still be in bondage thinking the world was flat and the sun revolved around it. The world doesn't revolve around us, neither do people. Mind Set- It starts off easy, then Blam- Eureka!!! You finally realized something. All those times you were trying to change something or do something you never could complete it. Mainly because you havn't made up your mind. The song has lyrics but they never sounded like I wanted, so I left them off. Here are the main lyrics. "When I make a Change in my Mind/ My heart will believe it/Then my life will preceed it/ When I make a change in my life/My soul will be easy/ And I'm ready for leaving/But if I don't change/ And if I remain/ Is my living in vain/After all is said and done/ what was I running from?" New Me- After the journey you are a new person. You are ready to be effective in all that you say or do. You don't react to situations the same because your perspective is different. You have a new life all because you 1st decided to change. Not promising that after you listened to this album you suddenly materialize into a new person. But this album is the anthem or background music for that change. "When we make a change in our minds, then our hearts will believe it & our lives will preceed it. When we make a change in our life, our souls are set free."