

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2014-09-23
  • 唱片公司:深圳市大乐文化传媒有限公司
  • 类型:录音室专辑


老子曰“上善若水,水善利万物而不争”是中华民族几千年来文明传承的精髓,也是炎黄子孙世代所追求的生命至高境界。古老的乐器迸发出的音符不仅带给我们华夏的文明,更多的给予我们推动文明发展的智慧。跳动的音符好似无数的水滴,它们相互碰撞,交融,谱写出人类五彩缤纷的文明世界。 音乐就像一位传播和平与吉祥的使者,让我们一路跟随着音乐去周游世界,九万里的跋涉,不为修来世,只为书写那一路的风景...... In China.laozi say"As good as water, water benefits all things without struggle"which is the essence of the Chinese nation for thousands of years civilization heritage and the Supreme state of life is all people of Chinese descent look forward.However, the Ancient musical instrument not only bring us the ancient civilization, and give us wisdom to promote the development of civilization.the pulsatile notes like counless water droplets impact each other in which write down the colorful civilization of the world. Music is like an angel of peace and good luck.Ninety thousand li journey not to repair the afterlife, only for the road, the scenery along the way. 第一章节:祈福 带着一颗最虔诚的心,手摇经轮,顶礼膜拜。美丽的音乐点燃心中的希望之光,音符随着神奇的八角经筒旋转,轮转着古老的神话,空气中弥漫着对美好未来的憧憬,诚心祈福:世界永远充满爱与和平。 NO.1 Prayer The power of the Tibetan landscape and the beliefs of many cultures converge.here at the axis of the world,is a rare vasion of the harmony.the wonderful music filled the air follow the prayer wheel to pray the world peace. 第二章节:花语 樱花文化,渗透着大和民族的精髓。樱花瞬间同时竞放,构成一片极赋强烈震撼的美景。而在持续一周后便如吹雪般纷纷落下,如同瞬间同时开放一样,在极端繁华后瞬间同时结束,结束得壮观,也结束得悲凉。这是一种凄美,悲剧的美——却美到化了。 NO.2 Cherry blossom cherry blossom is an omen of good fortune and is also an emblem of love.affection and represents spring.cherry blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the fleeting nature of life.the extreme beauty and quick death.in Japan cherry blossom also symbolize clouds. 第三章节:江南 烟柳繁华之地,温柔富饶之乡。朴实恬静、精美绝伦的江南水乡,在杏花烟雨的香雾袅绕中向我们展示她如诗如画般的独特魅力。水墨江南,百媚种种,刚柔并济,美到极致。 No.3 Jiang Nan in China Jiang Nan is a magical place.there are lot of china's water towns,often referred to as "Venices of East",the busy rive and old bridge and the elegant garden and deep alley make up many romatic legend 第四章节:萨尔多瓦 未受到现代文明过分“侵袭”的古城。萨尔多瓦古城中有160多座教堂,古老而精美。一类是早期的哥特式风格,线条明快气势恢宏;另一类是巴洛克风格和洛可可风格,豪华富丽,线条起伏而有气势。历史遗迹散发着昔日绰约的古老魅力。 NO.4 SALVADOOR Bazil this is only a few of the place where is integrate kind of Gothic and Barocco and Africa's culture and art in the world.ther are hundred of church stood in the city.As if into the ancient art of the corridors of time.the colorful dress and passion music always exude a unique charm. 第五章节:塞纳河边 巴黎水上的香榭丽舍大街。塞纳河的两岸是巴黎最繁华的黄金地段,每到夏天河岸边总是会开满了玫瑰花和兰花,犹如巨幅画卷一般,其沿岸的田园风光散发出无尽的魅力,充满典型欧洲非常富有的文艺气质。而沿岸充满个人浪漫主义情怀的法国乐派的音乐作品更是尽显个性。 No.5 Seine River The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history .every summer the River is always full of rose and orchids, like a huge picture to atrract the eyes of people of the world. 第六章节:阿非利加 人类的发祥之地,承载着远古的辉煌,明日的希望。踏足神圣的黑土,行走在阳光灼热之地,横穿撒哈拉沙漠,奔腾于一望无际的大草原,跨过赞比西河,飞越维多利亚瀑布,置身于尼罗河畔金字塔和狮身人面像的莫测神秘中,穿越乞力马扎罗...... No.6 Africa Here is humen birthplace where is bearing the ancient glory and hope for tomorrow.walking in the sun and searing earth,across the Sahara deser.go into the primitive village to feel their music that is power and wild rhythm. 第七章节:吉祥 吉祥中国,世界和平。有一种声音能穿越万里,那就是音乐蕴藏的魅力;有一种悄无声息的震撼,那就是音乐赋予的魅力;有一种无端的共鸣,那就是音乐给予的魅力。用音乐奏响:天地祥和、风调雨顺、五谷丰登、国泰民安、九州同乐! NO.7 Auspicious we stood at the top of the snow mountain to pray for world peace by music.No war.NO violence.No conflict. At here ,Music without borders .it is the soul of the human spirit home and the common wealth.
