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Nancy Cassidy, one of the most popular children’s recording artists in the country delights children of all ages with her warm heart-felt voice and diverse selection of traditional, original and contemporary songs from her Klutz KidsSongs series. Her first recording, KidsSongs received a Gold Record from the Recording Association of America Inc. for having sold 500,000 copies - it has now sold over 900,000! In August 2004, Klutz released a two-CD boxed set and sing-along book of Nancy’s KidsSongs, produced by Ken Whiteley. This set combines music from KidsSongs and KidsSongs 2. In 2005 it received the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award and The Children’s Music Web Awards for “Best Recording for Preschoolers ages 3 to 5” and the “Judge’s Technical Award”. "...what an AWESOME album. Oh My God! I love it says too little! Been around music a lot, and not only does my child want to hear this in the car - so do I. THANK YOU. Simply REFRESHING to hear GOOD, clean FUN music without "freaky strange, make-no-sense-lyrics! So glad you made it, worth EVERY penny...now my 3 year old daughter wants to dance and sing, and we get to do that together because of you. gushing mom!, Kimberly (NY)" In addition to singing and playing the guitar, Nancy writes a number of her own songs. Bruce Springsteen recorded Nancy and John Cassidy’s “Chicken Lips and Lizard Hips” and has sold a million copies. Nancy's rendition of "I Wanna Be a Dog," was beamed up to the astronauts on a shuttle flight, making her one of the first children's artist's with an orbital audience. Nancy has a total of five Klutz CDs: KidsSongs, KidsSongs 2, Jubilee, Sleepyheads, and Hullabaloo. With more than 2 million CDs sold worldwide. KidsSongs, Nancy’s original folky/blues music, and most everything else about Nancy (including reaching her), are available online at www.nancycassidymusic.com. “Nancy Cassidy’s music has a spiritual quality which moves families to sing along together rejoicing in the rollicking rhythms of folk music.” - Rita London, Public Programs Manager, Children’s Museum of Manhattan