Firry Path

Firry Path

  • 流派:Jazz 爵士
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2014-05-09
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


2014.05.09 种子音乐 ★ 特别推荐 ● 谢明谚 / Tenor Saxophone ● 曾增译 / Piano ● Martijn Vanbuel / Double Bass ● Sebastiaan Kaptein / Drums 本次的专辑收录了九首明谚在2008~2013数年间的创作. 这些作曲的走向是以歌(Song)为主要考量,而非曲(tunes). 意思就是旋律是如歌唱般的优美自然, 而非一般现代爵士乐中复杂难懂的器乐线条. 加上洗练的和声与动感的律动衬托,呈现出有别於一般爵士乐标准摇摆曲风,带有欧式优雅又充满律动的清新风格. 乐曲的主题多在於描述明谚记忆中的生活景物, 像是高中时期每天必经的一条杉林小径. 或是绽放於夜晚时分,芬芳优雅的曼陀罗花. 想放弃却又不甘心放手的离别时分. 还有春末夏初,下过磅礡大雨的慵懒午後. 乐手找来了一同於比利时求学,合作多年的钢琴手增译,比利时籍,旅居台湾多年的bass手Martijn和长住於日本冲绳的荷兰鼓手Sebastiaan. 他们有着共同的欧系学习成长背景,也共同有着在亚洲生活的丰厚渊源.彼此激荡出一段又一段精彩的音乐互动对话.? 这张专辑将带领你,用听觉摹写从心灵深处反射出来,那自然与日常的多面样貌。 专 业 推 荐 爵士吉他手/专栏作家 林华劲 - 近年来许多国内新生代的爵士音乐家纷纷发表作品,留下属於自己音乐思绪的足迹。萨克斯风手谢明谚在欧洲艺成归国後蛰伏数年,终於选择在今年以处女作「Firry Path」加入行列,在台湾爵士史谱写新的一页。 和明谚共度这次音乐之旅的,是与明谚一同赴欧求学的国内钢琴名家曾增译、分别出身於比利时及荷兰且长期旅居亚洲的贝斯手Martijn Vanbuel和鼓手Sebastiaan Kaptein。四位音乐家共享的欧亚生活记忆,无疑地在音乐对话上平添许多默契。 主角明谚杰出的乐器技巧与即兴能力,早已藉2012年台中国际萨克斯风大赛的冠军头衔深获肯定。然而,作曲创造力及挑战自我的野心,才是决定爵士音乐家成就的关键。专辑中,如太极般圆转如意周而复始的Brown & Gray、布满雨珠滴落清脆声响的It Was a Rainy Afternoon、在轻快雀跃的节奏构图中挥洒旋律的标题同名曲Firry Path、以萨克斯风三重奏自简洁音符动机发展出的2 Up, 1 Down/Mr. Augmented。每一首曲子的个性分明,独然而立各自成为一个故事,将明谚在每个人生片段中的体验化为诗歌。而他独树一帜的音乐编作能力,尝试不同诠释手法的企图心,也随着曲目的流泄播放不证自明。 留一个音乐收藏的位置给Firry Path吧。也别忘记在心中空一个角落,让明谚的美好音乐意象停留驻足。 爱乐电台金钟奖主持人 沈鸿元 - "明谚的个性看来内歛,但慧黠眼神藏不住他在音乐创意上的鬼灵精怪。这张唱片跟他很像,面子稳重,但里子别有洞天!" 专 辑 曲 目 介 绍 01.Brown & Gray I have always appreciated the composition "Blue In Green" by Bill Evans. Like a never-ending loop, the three instruments are wandering along different axes of time and space, but still inextricably linked to each other.? 01.棕与灰 非常喜欢爵士钢琴家Bill Evans的Blue In Green. 彷佛一段段无尽的回圈, 而三个乐器游走在不同的时空轴线,却彼此羁绊着。 02.Above the Clouds Sometimes we climb to higher places in pursuit of our dreams, but eventually the pull of gravity brings us back to the ground. Would our view of the world be different after that? This composition was written one summer night in 2011 after I returned to Taiwan from Belgium. 02.云端之上 有时候会为了追寻梦想,不断的往高处攀升,但终究还是会随着引力回到地面。 不知此时眼前所见的风景,是否会跟过去有所不同呢? 写於2011年夏天从比利时回到了台湾後的某个夜晚。 03.It Was a Rainy Afternoon A song that describes those countless rainy afternoons in my memory: The piano riffs mimic the sound of raindrops sliding down from the eaves. I stare out the window, as if daydreaming, but never recall what actually happens.? 03.那是一个下雨的午後 描述记忆中那无数个下过雨的午後。 钢琴反覆的乐句像是雨水从屋檐不断滑落。我望着窗外,像是做了一场白日梦, 却不记得究竟发生了什麽。 04.Firry Path A narrow path in the woods connects the dormitory of my high school to the classrooms in the mountainous region of central Taiwan. The scenery no longer exists today, but every time I close my eyes and picture this firry path, I am reminded of the sweet and bitter moments of my youth. ? 04.杉林小径 位於台湾中部山区我的高中,一条连结教室区和宿舍区的杉林小径。随着岁月更迭,景象早已不复存在。而每当我闭上眼,回想起这条小径,也会想起过往青春所带给我的苦涩与美好。 05.Moonflower? ? Drawn from a composition by Dutch pianist Diederik Wissels, this song echoes the memory I have of those datura flowers found at the end of the firry path in my high school. The flowers emanate an elegant fragrance at night, but are in essence poisonous, reminding us that sometimes things that are beautiful are not as pure as we imagine them to be. 05.曼陀罗花 取材自音乐院钢琴老师Diederik Wissels 的作品,。献给也是高中时期开在杉林小径尽头的那几朵曼陀罗花。总是在夜晚时分散发出高贵的香气,但同时也充满着致命的毒素。彷佛是在提醒着我们美丽的事物有时并不像我们想的那麽单纯。 06.Light Years This song is dedicated to the guitarist Pat Metheny. I have always found his compositions to be both warm and smart. In the beginning, I had written the tune with the guitar in mind, but later I discovered it fits well with the piano too.? 06.光年 向Pat Metheny这位爵士吉他手和作曲家致敬的作品,喜欢他温暖却又不失帅气的作曲风格。原本这首作品一开始时是给吉他来弹奏,後来发现其实钢琴也满适合的。 07. 2 Up, 1 Down / Mr. Augmented A simple idea of using 2 intervals up, 1 interval down. This is another piano-less trio tune in this album.? 07. 二上一下 两个音符往上,一个往下,用这样简单的想法完成了这首作品。 也是这张专辑的另一首无钢琴三重奏。 08. Walk Away This song is inspired by fragments of an improvised solo while playing with my band "Interstellar Odyssey" in Brussels.? It speaks of a complex feeling filled with regret, when one feel that there is nothing you can do but to walk away from a situation.? 08. 离开 灵感来自於我在布鲁塞尔组的乐团"Interstellar Odyssey"某次演出的即兴片段。 那是因为无能为力所以不得不放下而选择离开,那种悔恨交杂的心情。 09. Oasis Three chords with different colors bring out the desire of travellers in a desert in search of an oasis—A quest similar to the quest in our mind. How many mirages do we have to see before arriving in paradise? 09. 绿洲 三种不同色彩的和弦段落。带出了像是沙漠中旅者对绿洲的渴望。对於自我心灵的探索也是一样,不知要穿越多少海市蜃楼,才会到达那真实的乐园? "Firry Path" by Minyen Hsieh JAZHUS DISK (plus+) JP-3117 Minyen Hsieh (Tw) - Tenor Saxophone, Compositions Tsengyi Tseng (Tw) - Piano Martijn Vanbuel (Be) - Acoustic Bass Sebastiaan Kaptein (NL) - Drums This album contains nine compositions written by Taiwanese saxophonist Minyen Hsieh, between the years 2008-2013. Through these pieces, he hopes to present lyrical melodies that are beautiful and natural rather than angular, complex phrases often heard in many contemporary jazz compositions. Blending colorful, distilled harmonies with dynamic, innovative rhythms, the pieces depart from straight-ahead jazz and are interpreted in an inventive style tinged with European sensibilities. Many of the compositions are inspired by Minyen’s fond memories of things and places that remain meaningful to him: A narrow, firry path he walked along every day during his high school days; the fragrance of elegant moonflowers that only bloom at night; a time when he felt torn between letting go and holding onto something special; or the memory of a lazy summer afternoon spent staring out the window after a thunderstorm. The musicians on this album include pianist Tsengyi, who has long collaborated with Minyen since their days of studying in Belgium, bassist Martijn, who grew up in Belgium but has lived in Taiwan for many years, and drummer Sebastiaan from the Netherlands who currently resides in Okinawa, Japan. Their shared experiences of having studied in Europe and living in Asia contribute to the multiple layers of interesting musical dialogues that can be heard on the album. It is hoped that the music presented here can lead listeners to reflect on the extraordinary moments contained in the ordinary experiences of everyday life.

