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Ringo Deathstarr push all the right buttons for me. Squalls of noise, effects and feedback but with an underlying ear for a tune. They have naturally been compared to the early Jesus and Mary Chain and My Bloody Valentine although I think they are starting to develop further with their newer material as showcased in their recent album 'Colour Trip'. They do need to be experienced live though as like many noise outfits, they have more punch in the flesh than on vinyl, particularly from the drums. It has been a while since they came through Southern California (the last time was for a couple of shows with the Wedding Present) and they were warmly welcomed. The crowd that was gathering in anticipation of dodgy prog headliners and fellow Austin-ites ....And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead, became more and more interested as it became clear that the noise onslaught was not going to stop. As usual, Alex looked fabulous and now turns her hand to guitar duties as well as bass and tambourine since the group contracted from a 4-piece to 3. The only downside for me was that it wasn't a headlining show, but there are plenty of those later in the tour so you should ensure you don't miss out.