Circus Under No Tent

Circus Under No Tent

  • 流派:Rock 摇滚
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2006-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Cast of Characters ARE a Circus Under No Tent The Cast of Characters, a hot, young, and disease-free band from the Pacific Northwest that released their new self-released full-length album, Circus Under No Tent,in 2006. The album is the latest masterwork of artistic expression in a lineage, which includes Michelangelo's David, William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience, Frances Ford Coppola's The Godfather, and MC Hammer's Pumps and a Bump. Circus Under No Tent is the culmination of a year of studio work, songwriting, touring, and awkward homoerotic tension for the Cast of Characters. The music contained within the album is a strong, fluid blend of melodic vocals, blazing guitar, funky drums, and pants-pooping bass that is sure to set the world ablaze like an accident in a meth lab. The album is at times thoroughly danceable and penetratingly thoughtful, and a listen to the songs hints at influences as varied as the Minutemen, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, Sublime, Matthew Good, Cake, generic-sounding indie rock, and muscle relaxants. Seabass, the hockey-helmeted six-string slinger of Cast of Characters, is proud of the new album, and optimistic about the band's possible success. "(Circus Under No Tent) is an epic piece of work that should land us a multimillion dollar record deal and touring contract, so that we can hire all our friends and none of them will have to work (expletive deleted) real jobs anymore," Seabass said. JC Penney, the individual who plays the instrument most often ignored and undervalued in rock music, the lowly and pathetic bass guitar, also feels jubilant and boastful regarding the new release. "Wow, I can't believe that the guys in the band let me talk about the new album for this press release. I wish they would have told me what to say, I really don't know what to do now. I think I heard Seabass mention he liked the way the end of "Come On, Go On" turned out, so I guess I like that too, " JC Penney said. The man responsible for the percussive poundings on Circus Under No Tent, Cypress, said that he enjoyed the process of making the album, but has a few reservations about his own gimmicks. "I am proud of (Circus Under No Tent), but wish I had had more time to work on the drum tracks. In particular, I wish I had added some clanking cowbells to a few songs. I'm from the country and the cowbells remind me of cold wet nights sitting out on the porch listening to the dumbass cows clonk around in the dark," Cypress said. Bucketz, the enigmatic lead singer of the Cast of Characters, is currently in India receiving spiritual guidance from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and so he was unavailable for comment on the new album. However, Bucketz has a well-maintained internet diary on which he has posed an entry addressing Circus Under No Tent. "One of the greatest and most profound things the Maharishi has allowed me to reflect upon is that the ocean is composed of drops of water so numerous, counting them would be a task both impossible and improbable. Perhaps our new album will be just another drop in the Atlantic, unnoticed by all but the most focused observer and lost in the churning tide of history. Or maybe Circus Under No Tent will not be a mere droplet of moisture, but a raging tsunami, which drowns the entirety of humanity in a tidal wave of love and oneness. I need to go now and meditate on these things while I chant and smoke another pound of hashish," Bucketz said in his blog. Circus Under No Tent will be made available through, the Cast of Characters website, and numerous music retailers. Cast of Characters will be playing a multitude of shows in support of the album, so check out - and - for the latest in concert dates.

