The Longest Journey

The Longest Journey

  • 流派:New Age 新世纪
  • 语种:其他
  • 发行时间:2012-01-27
  • 唱片公司:Indie
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Inspirational Jazz Soul & Gospel: Named "Album of the Week" by Colin Curtis of Star Point - UK Jazz & Soul and The Spirit The Longest Journey: CD Song Order with Song Journey Info from Tina : 1. Don't Give Up (Shout outs by BIG CITY)- Written in 2008 “Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we don’t not give up.” Gal. 6:9 (NIV) The word of God is powerful! After working on this CD for over 12years in 4 different cities, I cannot begin to say how many times I had to call say this scripture out loud. My husband and my children have reminded me of it along the way as well. I am so thankful that I can say I didn’t give up. I hope this song encourages you to not give up on your dreams… Lyrics by Tina Jenkins Crawley – © 2000 Tina Jenkins Crawley Music Music by Tina Jenkins Crawley & Corey Wilson Sr. T.J. Crawley-Lead & Back Vocals, Vocal Arrg & (intro) *Trombone Arrg. ; J. Blasucci-Keys; K. Parker – Drums; Mendel Beckford- Bass; Dennis Calito- Percussion; S. Bradley- Trombone R. Haynes –Trumpet & Flugelhorn Arrg.; Shout-outs- Ron “BIG CITY” Goodwin 2. Set You Free feat. PAULINHO GARCIA - John 8:31,32 Written in 2000 “In the Summer of 1990 ,God “Set Me Free” and the truth of the Bible changed my life and I became a Christian. I wrote this song, as if God was speaking directly to us. For those who have listened to my music through the years, this is an updated version of the original one I wrote ten years ago.” T.J. Crawley- © 2000 Tina Jenkins Crawley Music T.J. Crawley- All vocals & Arrg.’s & Cuica; P. Garcia-Nylon- String; K. Parker-Drums; E. Bender- Bass; D. Calito- All Percussion; B. Lewis- Piano & Synth 3. Secrets Of My Heart – Written in 2000 “Several years ago, I found out that my church needed a theme song for our Women’s Day Conference, and the next day while I was doing laundry I was flooded with lyrics and melodies and began to sing this song. After writing this song, I saw that God was trying to reveal the thoughts in the quiet place of my heart and heal me. I hope that you can hear your heart song as well “. *Fun fact: My husband Mark made me put this song on this CD and I have officially recorded 4 different versions of it since 2000. I think this is it T. J. Crawley - © 2000 Tina Jenkins Crawley Music. TJ Crawley & B. Lofton Arrg. T. J. Crawley – All Vocals & Arrg.; B. Lofton- Acous Piano, Rhodes, B3 & Arrg.; K. Parker- Drums J. Lowe & G. Young- violins, A. Moravek- Viola, W. Cotton-Cello, 4. Thank you Lord- written in 2000 After spending some time in God’s word, I felt really grateful and wanted to try to write a song to the Lord, expressing how much I loved him. I was sitting at my dining room table and began to write this song. I called my best friend Lara and sang it for her over the phone. She loved it and 10 years later, I finally can share it with all of you. T.J. Crawley - © 2000 Tina Jenkins Crawley Music TJ Crawley, B. Lofton & S. Bradley Arrg. T.J. Crawley – Lead & Backs & Arrg.’s; K. Parker- Drums; M. Beckford- Bass; B. Lofton- Acous. Piano, Rhodes & B3, Arrg.’s; J. Lowe & G. Young- violins, A. Moravek- Viola, W. Cotton-Cello; Background Singers: L. Jenkins, C. Baskin, W. Ellis, M. Granados & The Trinity Baptist Community Church in Crystal ( Directed by Deana Lester  ) 5. Every Day (Acoustic) written in 2011 I wanted to do a more acoustic version of this song so I could have a few more ways to celebrate God. This is really my very first attempt at writing songs that are more Praise & Worship. I started praying about writing songs like this a year ago and it was the last song I wrote for the album. God was listening. Lyrics- T.J. Crawley - © 2000 Tina Jenkins Crawley Music Music –Mark Filippi & T.J. Crawley T. J. Crawley- Lead Vocals & Backs & Arrg. ; K. Parker-Drums; M. Beckford; B. Lofton- Acous. Piano & B3; T. Vitacco- Steel, Acous & Electric guitars; R. Biordi-Steel String; J. Lowe & G. Young- violins, A. Moravek- Viola, W. Cotton-Cello; Backgrounds Vocals- B. Johnson- Ykema -Soprano, M. Stewart-Alto & L. Jenkins-Tenor

