Here we are fully back with a new signing on Meander. It was a long way to presend you the new record from the acclaiming boys of Pikaya (Daniel Ramm and Frank Greiner). You possibly know these guys from your last weekend all around europe. After their last wonderful release Kambrium on the great Cadenza imprint, we bring you a very special record from this guys called Jive. Inspired by its form of dance style in 4/4 time, a lively and uninhibited variation of the Jitterbug, yes a part of Swing dance. The A side comes right away with a lovely blossom track. Jive starts in the musical journey with a kickdrum from the beginning and moves with a deep subsynth to the core. Measured by gost alike passing wind sounds in the meandering way we are all searching for. Its all leading into a resonant, warm and senses engaging string part, that is really moving. A strong lusty synthesizer and floating melodys complete this truly unique piece of music. The B Side Shag is a flimsy boucer with complex rhythmic patterns that continues modulating with the the swing flavor of this record. Varying drum patterns and a earthy bass melody catching the dancefloor in a second. Short but profound blown wind instruments bringing it to a catchy uplifting tune. The rather emotional hypnotic sound diversity sets a smiling earwig memento in the listeners mind that will last. This music does not require special clothes, though for both men and women, smooth soled shoes that are easy to turn/spin in are highly recommended Remember what Duke said: It Don`t Mean A Thing (If It Ain`t Got That Swing)