映山红(小提琴改编中国电影经典 柴亮代博联手弹奏)

映山红(小提琴改编中国电影经典 柴亮代博联手弹奏)

  • 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2007-01-01
  • 唱片公司:瑞鸣音乐
  • 类型:录音室专辑


映山红 The Twinkle of Stars 曲如忆 弦如诉 影如昨 穿越世纪光影 重现浓郁中国情怀 这个寒夜,当你穿越萧瑟的长街和小巷,落满疲惫地跨入门口,一碗热气腾腾的汤面,可会染湿了你的眼眶? 毋需山珍海味,毋需璀璨容器,只是这一口几十年来熟稔而亲切的味道,只是这一段不曾奢望却实在拥有着的朴素关怀,——顷刻便暖融了肺腑,扑落了雪花。 也许几星葱花,也许两只云吞,也许更只是焐在灶上一碗清水似的淡汤,然而却是久违了的故乡亲切,是几千个日夜思之念之萦绕不去的儿时回忆。 而这一碗热汤的温度,也许会奇迹般地令你在一生的漫长寒夜中,足以抵御未知的冷与恐惧,怯懦与脆弱,疲乏与灰心,——因为这里有爱与回忆的庞大力量。 是的,庆幸我们还有温暖抚慰的回忆,存留于插队时走二十里土路才看到的一次露天电影,存留于某个六一儿童节和同学们叽叽喳喳背着零食涌进电影院的模糊印象,存留于家里柜底那几本牛皮纸包面落满灰尘的八十年代《大众电影》合订本,存留在三十年前与她第一次看的那场电影——心儿狂跳,忘了电影的台词和内容,只记得她耳畔雪花膏的香味,以及发梢上玻璃丝头绳的编织形状。 这张朴素而灵动的中国电影音乐专辑,将成为勾起你久远幸福回忆的一碗热汤,穿过几十年的光阴荏苒,味不变,情更浓。十二首曲子,每一首中你都会看见自己的故事。 专辑遴选上个世纪50年代至今的十二部经典的中国电影音乐。之所谓经典,既是电影本身风靡一时,或为影史里程碑或为类型片发端,而主题歌或插曲更超越电影本身的传播广度和深度,几十年来脍炙人口,永芳不凋。 为了保存和再现那段纯真而质朴的岁月光影,专辑摒弃乱花渐欲迷人眼的纷繁配器,只以一支身价百万的名贵小提琴与一台斯坦威钢琴彼此干净清澈的对答,间或点染些琵琶的铿锵、竹笛的清啭和古琴的澹然恬雅,用几近透明的晶莹情愫,复原时光飞舞后的原色神采,复原心底珍藏和坚持的朴素梦想。 《花儿为什么这样红》的执著爱情跨越了时空融化了冰山,《敖包相会》的辽阔气象和美丽等待分外动人;《新不了情》将超越生死的广义之爱演绎得宽广而深湛,《玫瑰香》在意乱情迷中的挣扎与沉沦描画得甘之如饴充满诱惑;《较量》倜傥而紧张的节奏型仿佛暗战中的心跳,《红梅赞》将铮铮铁骨与女性柔美恰到好处地融为一体;《映山红》中赣区山峦的葱茏,《牧羊曲》中鸟鸣风暖的嵩山清景,都令人心驰神往浮想万千;《知音》和《梁祝》又各以隽永清雅的古典心怀,抒写情之所至的极致篇章。 柴亮,这位海内外知名的华人小提琴演奏家,纵然十载异国求学、国际上获奖无数,甚至还在世界顶尖音乐家的摇篮——美国茱利亚音乐学院多年任教,然而他一颗浸淫于中国渊博文化的拳拳赤子之心从未停歇过对祖国和故乡的眷恋,从未淡忘过儿时的电影记忆。此次他在这张专辑里倾情演奏,与充满才气的音乐神童代博在美韵互答中大飙琴技,兴致所至的灵感火花灼亮了光影的时空。 著名现场录音大师李大康先生坐镇数百平米大录音棚,以完全同期的真纯方式一次性录制完成专辑,将琴声中的灵感与激情汁水丰盈地完美采摘。而瑞鸣再次邀请德国老虎鱼专家精湛后期制作、母版制造,更确保了专辑的近乎完美品质。 聆听,哪怕记不确电影中的场景,但一定能忆起“人生若只如初见”的那个冬夜的温情;哪怕那些人那些光阴都如烟波般飘渺远逝,但这澎湃的心潮或能淹没岁月的堤防,晕染那剪影在梦萦的窗口。在行行走走的漫长一生,就让这一瞬的温暖,令你念起欢乐或欣慰的滋味, ——请握住它,在掌心里,慢慢慢慢融化。 Foreword: After a long day’s work, are you tired? When the empty streets seem endless, are you lonely? Yet, step into the door, a steamy bowl of noodles is there. The ice thaws in the winter night. Simple, but home-made. Memories seem so fresh — of hometown and childhood. With hope and energy, no fears or depression can ever stand in the way. This is the power of love. This is the power of remembrance. That is why we call ourselves lucky — we share the old tales when we were young. We share the experience of the movie-going in the most difficult times. We share the excitement when we ran into the theatre with cracks in bags and as boys and girls. We share the magazines of the 80s among which Popular Movie are still on our bookshelves. We share the first movie with She, not a line on the screen to be remembered but the fragrance and the little hairpin. Such a bowl of noodles is prepared for you. The soundtracks will remind you of the all these and more. Listen to the collection, open your heart to it and find yourself in the old stories. There is magic and music and a simple wonder to the cult classics since the 1950s. Timeless stories and familiar melodies — that is what people call them their favorite. Not to be distracted by excessive orchestration, a classical violin and Steinway take the center stage, in the company of Pipa, Zhudi and Guqin etc.. This is not just a musical firework display but a carefully thought-through performance. Why Are the Flowers so Red recalls the story of the timeless love. Party at Aobao builds up the vastness of Mongolian field and the excitement of young people. Endless Love, as the name suggests, is only for the most touching love in the world. Fragrant Roses evokes the mixed affection. A World Without Thieves steps up the intensity in the intellectual wrestle. Plum Blossoms sings for the character of woman. The Twinkle of Stars feels for the whole generation with the memory of the spectacular mountains, flowers and the boy hero who is both lovable and courageous. Waves of The Honghu Lake offers a picturesque view of the Honghu lake. In The Tune of the Shepherd, the woods is full of sunlight and birdsong. The Sea is My Home presents the breadth of sea and the wave of nostalgia. In My Love and Butterfly Lovers, you will find the most touching interpretation of the classic love stories. Chai Liang, the renowned overseas Chinese violinist is coming back, with a decade of learning experience abroad, a handful of medals from international competitions and years of teaching experience in Juilliard School of Music — one of the world's premier performing arts conservatories. With his great care in matching the tunes to the mood of the film, this recording is primed with excitement. It’s difficult not to be swept along by the engaging, captivating techniques and the touching sincerity of the musicians. With Li Dakang for location recording and Stockfisch for mastering and post production, the new Rhymoi production is like musical time-travel for anyone who wants it. Dream the old dreams and listen to the tale of time. The Twinkle of Stars will shine along your way. 演奏: 小提琴:柴亮 钢琴:代博 琵琶:张强 古琴:赵家珍 竹笛:陈悦 手风琴:曹晓青 Musicians: Violin: Chai Liang Piano: Dai Bo Pipa: Zhang Qiang Guqin: Zhao Jiazhen Di: Chen Yue Accordion: Cao Xiaoqing 制作成员: 出品人:叶云川 制作人:叶云川 改编:代博 录音:李大康 录音助理:崔如峰 董克 中文文案:杨倩 英文文案:郑文博 设计:张洪科设计事务所 录音棚:解放军军乐团录音棚 后期制作:德国老虎鱼录音棚
