【台湾丝竹声】系列之二 金光闪闪瑞气千条 ~ 陈中申丝竹室内乐作品专辑 演奏/九歌民族管弦乐团 Glittering ~ A Taiwanese style chamber music album by Chung-Sheng Chen ˙继承传统丝竹乐的气韵生动,没有大型国乐团的喧嚣,让每个乐器尽情挥洒音色、声韵及线条交织之美。 ˙陈中申30年来取材本土民歌、戏曲的创作,展现台湾文化的多采多姿。 ˙配上古董级 真空管麦克风 录音及混音,美声再现,音响发烧! ˙ This album inherits the features of traditional music without the bustle of large Chinese orchestra, which could let every instruments fully perform their timbres, rhymes, and the beauty of interweaving sounds. ˙The album is recorded by vintage tube microphone and mixed by hand-madevacuum tube mixer, which produces warm and classic sounds.