曲目 壹One 21’16” 贰Two 7’33” 叁Three 14’41” 肆 Four 3’40” 伍 Five 10’56” 中国云南大理鹤阳 Heyang Dali Yunnan China 东经:100°6"37 北纬:25°45"50 海拔:2040m Longitude:100°6"37" Latitude:25°45"50" Altitude: 2040m 丙申年乙未月戊午日 August 4,2016 未知莫识MUSiC Studio Found in 2018 未知莫识(unintended)独立音乐厂牌成立于2018年,致力于创造与开拓与音乐有关的一切不设限的表达形式。 Unintended was found in 2018, dedicated to creating and exploring all unrestricted forms of expression related to music. 全网ID:未知莫识 YouTube | UNINTENDED MUSiC Channel