LAWDS composes a captivating and hypnotic backdrop. As if that wasn’t enough, he opens the rhyming tally with his picture-painting verse, setting the standard high. RAS GUYVA obliges as he takes the second verse and delivers with his direct and smooth flow, only needing “…One night in Paris…” KARL KULA, not to be outdone, approaches the third verse with another-worldly-partly-existentialist dimension, roasting it like a skillet in the process. WATUSI87 then does what would be expected of the last man in a relay – he takes it home! With the essence of nature, his conscious, yet playful flow sees the standard kept high as the song began. All the while, SYMONE and BLAC-KAIZER provide an electric chorus with a perfect embellishment from HEADLESS. Symone’s tone immediately makes home in your ears. Blac-Kaizer’s soulful voice leaves you wondering if Time traveling is involved.