在刚刚度过的这个漫长的2017夏天,胖子们写了足足十首新歌,为了记录这些难得的作品,和平和浪决定做成EP并分为Aside和Bside双张发布,首首精彩曲曲难忘,《好腰》取名之含义为纪念,也为保健。 Rewinding the long and tedious summer which has just fade away, we fatties sweat out the effort in composing precisely 10 new tracks, and in order to archive those unforgettable pieces, P&W decided to split these 10 into two EPs as A-Side and B-Side, and believe or not, none of them couldn’t bring the rejoice. Regarding the name Healthy Kidney, it was coined to bring the bliss to us.