Initially released in 1996, Tombofara became an instant radio hit, entering charts in more than 5 countries and holding a number 1 spot in Zimbabwe. In addition Tombofara was voted the best song in Zinbabwe in the following year, 1997. The song was written and performed by the duo, Calvin Gudu and Muzi Mangena trading as Calvin and Muzi. It was produced by Calvin Gudu at his NoizeBox studios in London, UK. This is an awesome love song that transcends all ages and despite being sung in the Zimbabwe language, Shona, its message of innocent love touches all those who hear it. The Tombofara (2014) single is a re-work and re-release of the smash hit. Re-worked by largely refreshing and modernising the sounds, the song remains otherwise untouched in order to preserve its authenticity. We trust that you will agree with us that this is a true classic which remains ever green!