大型声乐交响组曲《绿岛瀛洲之歌》——上海崇明巡礼,是诗人陈洪法、上海作曲家刘念劬的最新原创力作。这部包括九首歌曲的大型音乐作品,起兴于将于2021年5月在中国崇明举办的世界花博会。这是一部讴歌新时代人情风貌的巨制,也是绿岛瀛洲之当代巡礼。它以大江东归,拥抱海天的气势,书写了几代人开垦祖国第三大岛的求索奋斗和奉献,写出了当今明德启航、盛世当歌的情怀。 The grand vocal-symphonic suite Songs of Chongming Island - A Green, Gorgeous Island in Shanghai is a latest original musical work created by composer LIU Nianqu with lyrics written by poet CHEN Hongfa in Shanghai. It includes nine songs that are inspired by the coming China Flower Expo to be held in Chongming in May, 2021. It is a large-scale work depicting the natural landscape and cultural heritage of Chongming island in the new era. With full confidence and a bold, generous spirit, the work portrays several generations’ great efforts and contributions in developing Chongming, the third largest island in China, and celebrates in songs the country’s brilliant leadership in a bosom age. 乐曲以五位著名歌唱家不同的声部和声线,多侧面地呈现了艺术特色及多元风,为我们带来了向上向善向真向爱的心灵追求,为新时代献上恢弘的颂歌。 In this work, five well-known vocal artists present nine songs with varied artistic characteristics, and add to its diversity with their own styles in different parts. While singing the praises of the new era, the musical pieces are meant to point the way in pursuit of goodness, sincerity and love.