风,上苍的使者 草,生命的低语 声,万物繁衍的气息 2014年底,传承草原呼麦唱法的蒙古汉子图利古尔•刚子告别了自己近13年的孤身创作生涯,和行走都市的音乐游侠宗璨组成了全新的“图利古尔”阵容,此次发行的EP《风• 草• 声》则是两人对这半年磨合与交流的总结。刚子的作品一直以来都充满着辽阔的画面感和生命的张力,这次收录的5首作品经过二人共同改编修饰,让歌曲中的意象愈发深远,也将创作者的情感更为立体地展现在听者耳中。宗璨把控到位的打击乐以及电音吉他渲染,恰恰衬托出刚子寄予呼麦弹唱中的深情。经过全新编曲的三首老歌,在保存原有意境的基础上,更焕发出崭新的活力;另两首新作则给予大家更广阔的想象空间,似能包容世间万象。 Wind, the messenger of heavens Grass, the whisper of life Sound, the breath of all creation At the end of 2014, Mongolian urban nomad Tulegur Gangzi who seeks his roots in grassland music traditions, released himself from his 13 years solo career and formed a new line up of TULEGUR with urban multi-instrumentalist Zongcan. The half a year long wearing in and growing into each other resulted in this newly published EP "Wind•Grass•Sound". Gangzi's compositions have always been full of picturesque vastness and dynamic vitality, the 5 songs taped this time, jointly arranged and fine-tuned by the two of them, reveal a more in-depth imagery of the music and amplify the author's emotional expression more dimensional to the listeners. Zongcan's finesse in percussion and the sonic palette of his electric guitar, in just the right way, set off the strong moods that Gangzi embeds in his khoomeii and acoustic guitar play. Beyond the original substrates, the three completely re-arranged old songs now spark out full vividness; the bigger picture of the two new songs leave splendorous space for imagination and interpretation, as if all worldly splendor is embraceable.