Ordinary Man

Ordinary Man

  • 流派:Country 乡村
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2003-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


I'm an ordinary man. And I'm glad I am. Some people make the mistake of thinking "ordinary" means "unremarkable." I think the dictionary even says so. But, I have to disagree with Mr. Webster on this... because our world is FULL of ordinary men and women who ARE remarkable. They're the people you count on to do what needs to be done. And they do it. Because they ARE remarkable... and ordinary-at the same time. When I was a boy, I was told "There are winners and losers. Decide which one you want to be." So I did. If only it were really that easy! You see, life isn't always fair. It seems SOME people just skate through, with no effort at all. While the rest of us work hard, do our best and get nothing but trouble for our effort. My advice is, "When you get knocked down-get back up, dust yourself off and write a country song about it. That's what I do-and it works for me! I've been up. And I've been down. I've been the good guy, and I've been the bad guy. I've been treated like dirt, and I've been spoiled. And I sure like that a lot better! I've been ECSTATIC! And I've been SO LOW, I could at least UNDERSTAND why some people give up. But I didn't. I'm too damn stubborn. After a while I began to realize that ALL the feelings we have-the pleasant ones AND the horrible ones-are just PROOF that we're on the greatest ride ever. That's life! I humbly submit these twelve songs for your approval. I've lived 'em. I hope you'll sing along.

