专辑封面插画出自香港著名漫画家甘小文,以其笔下家传户晓角色哨牙珍、肥婆四,带出耳听主题,亦呼应《休息》专辑另一漫画角色四方果。 《耳听I》以《空间》、《贰零》、《壹陆》、《休息》、《地底》、《乐团》多首纯音乐作品组成,给予更大更阔的留白空间,细味地底乐团之余,再延续聆听《耳听II》。 The album cover illustration is from the famous Hong Kong cartoonist Gum Siu Man, who brings out the theme of "Listen to Underground" with his family-known character, and also echoes another cartoon character of the "Rest" album. "Listen to Underground I" is composed of: "Space", "20", "16", "Rest", "Underground", "Band" and many pure music works, leaving a larger and wider blank space, allowing While listening to the Underground Band, everyone continued to listen to "Listen to Underground II".