搜寻者 电视剧原声带

搜寻者 电视剧原声带

  • 流派:Soundtrack 原声
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2023-06-27
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:EP


''On Our Way''电视剧原声带是为 《搜寻者》配乐的电视剧原声带。剧中描写一群慈济志工不畏艰苦,寻找需要帮助的人予以关怀,是一部正面温暖的戏剧故事。 片头曲''On Our Way''以此发想,利用慢板钢琴铺陈代表志工们善良的力量,中段慢慢加入弦乐,最终以弦乐的快速音群代表想帮助人的热情与渴望做为收尾。 ''On Our Way''弦乐版,以中型室内弦乐团Chamber做为基底演奏,曲风优雅并以中慢板展现角色的内心情感同时让听众更容易感受到其中的温暖与坚定。旋律设计上分成两段式的曲调展现故事的发展和转变。第一段较缓慢、柔和的部分,彷彿在探索和寻觅。第二段则是转变为更有力量和活力的感觉,代表着志愿者对他人的关怀和帮助,并表达出对于改变他人生活的渴望。 ''One Love,One Heart'片尾曲创作理念上、以《搜寻者》需要被帮助的人为出发点。因剧中也呈现了多处有趣诙谐的情节来展现基层社会的心声。''One Love,One Heart'使用雷鬼音乐来创作《搜寻者》片尾曲,利用雷鬼曲风简洁有力的节奏搭配上,木吉他与人声吟唱,来呈现出充满活力且能舒缓放松的音乐风格。''One Love,One Heart'以另一种视角带出《搜寻者》有趣的一面并一同与观众客观的看待世界,同时也呼应了雷鬼音乐的意涵。在1960年代诞生于牙买加,被列入联合国保护和推广的人类遗产。它代表了爱与和平的音乐本质,融合了社会议题和正面讯息。片尾曲通过雷鬼音乐的元素,表达了《搜寻者》剧中所关注的主题,并呼应了剧中角色对于爱和和平的追求。 大爱电视台制播的电视剧《搜寻者》描写一群慈济志工深入基隆底层,不畏困难和风雨,访视基隆各区需要帮助的人们,给予爱和温暖,让最寒冷最阴暗的角落也能绽放出希望的新芽。《搜寻者》于2023年6月29日于20:00首播,''On Our Way''电视剧原声带由作曲家余政宪 YCH 担任音乐总监与作曲,专辑中收录了该剧重要的数首配乐。 作曲:Y.C.H 余政宪 配乐/编曲:余政宪 谱务编谱:黄米亚 现场录音:维光音乐 弦乐演奏:愚可室内乐集 小提琴 1 部:蔡雨融、黄郁淇、陈弈宏、郑博升、黄若蓁、邱暄淯 小提琴 2 部:林晴葳、洪萁璠、陈俋文、许可、沈依孟、黄芊妤 中 提 琴:洪慈徽、郑农桦、廖晨享、江慧茹、吴俊汉、吴峻逸 大 提 琴:汪沛萾、徐惟翔、郑茹忆、徐稚翔 低音提琴:陈品宏 木吉他:余政宪 录音室:(台南)梦想田音乐馆、(台北)杰瑞音乐 录音/杜比 ATMOS收音: 陈恩光 混音/母带处理/杜比 ATMOS:杰林艺术 林尚伯 录音助理:吴幼恩、杨松兴 "On our way" creative concept: "On our way" depicts a group of volunteers searching for people in need and caring deeply for others. Therefore, we have created a warm and memorable melody. We use Chamber string instruments to perform this song, with a moderate tempo that helps convey the emotions and message of the song, allowing listeners to easily feel its warmth and determination. The melody is designed in two parts to better showcase the development and transformation of the story. The first part is slow and gentle, representing the volunteers' process of searching for people in need, as if exploring and seeking. The second part transitions into a more powerful and lively feeling, representing the volunteers' care and assistance for others, expressing their desire to change lives. Through this song, we interpret the inner emotions of the characters in "On our way" who yearn to help others. It brings hope and encouragement to people, while also presenting the volunteers' care and dedication to others in the drama. End credits song creative concept: "On our way" takes the perspective of people in need as a starting point. The drama also portrays various humorous and witty scenarios to reflect the voices of the grassroots community. We chose to create the end credits song using reggae music, combining its concise and powerful rhythm with the melodies of acoustic guitars and vocal chanting to present a vibrant and soothing musical style. We use this song to bring out the interesting aspects of "On our way" from a different perspective and collectively observe the world with the audience. It also resonates with the essence of reggae music. Reggae music originated in Jamaica in the 1960s and has been recognized as a UNESCO-protected human heritage. It represents the essence of love and peace in music, incorporating social issues and positive messages. The end credits song incorporates elements of reggae music to express the themes highlighted in "On our way" and resonates with the characters' pursuit of love and peace.
