Fourteen Roei

Fourteen Roei

  • 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2017-07-10
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Translations 1. Kanshin Reigetsu 嘉辰令月 歡無極 萬歲千秋樂 未央 Propitious time Joy without end Ten thousand years, thousand autumns: Bliss not even half consumed. 2. Toku wa kore 德是北辰椿葉之影再改尊猶南面松花之色十廻 Virtue is like the constant Northern Star The Camellia leaves sprout again Dignity turnto the South The pine bloom achieves then changes. 3. Tōgan 東岸西岸之柳遲遠不同南枝北枝之梅開落已異 The willow on the Eastern shore comes early The willow on the Western shore is late When the Southern plum blossom falls The Northern plum blossoms opens. 4. Ike 池冷水无三伏夏 松高风有一声秋 The water in the cool pond Relieves the heat of summer, The wind in the high pine tree Raises the voice of autumn. 5. Akatsuki 曉入梁王之苑 雪滿群山 夜登廋公之樓 月明千里 Dawn enters the garden of the king of Liang And snow fills the chain of mountains, Night climbs the tower of prince Yü And the moon lights a distance of thousand li. 6. Kōyō 紅葉又紅葉 連峯之嵐淺深 蘆花又蘆花 斜岸之雪遠近 Red leaves and more red leaves: Mist on a row of hills, now thin, now deep; Rush flowers and more rush flowers: Snow on the slanting shore, now far, now near. 7. Haru Sugi 春過夏闌 遠司徒之家雪応路達 旦南暮北 鄭大尉之溪風被人知 Spring has passed into the height of summer: The road to Minister Yüan's house is free from snow. In the morning from the south, in the evening from the North: So does the wind in Chancellor Cheng's valley become known to man. 8. Jisei 二星適逢 未敍別緒依々之恨 五夜將明 頻驚凉風颯之聲 Two star in blissful union Do not complain of their long separation - At daybreak, when the morning wind whispers, They shudder in sudden fright. 9. Shimpō no Sake 新豐酒色 清冷鸚鵡盃之中 長樂歌聲 幽咽鳳凰管之裏 The color of Hsin-feng wine Adds light to the parrot cup; The tone of the Chang-lo songs Adds melancholy to the phoenix Shō. 10. Shōkon 倚松根而摩腰 千年之翠滿手 折梅花而插頭 二月之雪落衣 When I stoop and uproot the pine tree, My hands are filled with the green of a thousand years; When I break the plum blossom and stick it in my hair, My gown is sprinkled with spring snow. 11. Kyūka 九夏三伏之暑月竹含錯午之風玄冬素雪之寒朝松彰君子之德 In nine times ten days, three months of heat: The bamboo hides the cool wind from the South; In gloomy winter, snow and cold mornings, The pine tree reveals the virtue of the sage. 12. Issei 一聲鳳管 秋驚秦嶺之雲 數拍霓裳 曉送緱山之月 The single voice of the phoenix Shō Frightens the autumn clouds from the mountains; The many beats of the dance music Send the morning moon from moon from mount Kou. 13. Taizan 泰山不讓土壤 故能成其高 河海不厭細流 故能成其深 The Tai-shan refuses not a crumb of Earth: Therefore he stands so high. River and sea spurn not the smallest brook: Therefore they flow so deep. 14. Hana 花明上苑 輕軒馳九陌之塵 猿叫空山 斜月瑩千巖之路 Flowers flow in the Imperial gardens, Swift cars raise a ninefold dust; Monkeys shriek in the sky-high mountains, The slanting moon polishes the road of the thousand rocks. Translation - Eta Harich-Schneider Program Note: These fourteen songs are dedicated to the suicide awareness foundations. It has been something that has not only affected my life but lives of almost every living person. These short poems render vivid imagery of our world and how truly beautiful it is.
