by John VallierFounded in 1989, Sud Sudha is comprised of Prem Rana on flute, Surendra Shrestha on tabla, and Bijaya Vaidya on sitar. Their goal has been to interpret and promote Tibet's many musical traditions to worldwide audiences. With over 1,000 shows performed on three continents as of the release of Festivals of Nepal, Sur Sudha continues to tour, introducing new audiences to the tranquil and meditative sounds from the Himalayan nation of Nepal. On Festivals of Nepal, the trio Sur Sudha presents tunes that are based upon distinct Tibetan festival songs. Sur Sudha borrows the rhythms and melodies associated with traditional Tibetan spring, night, religious, romantic, and female festivals and then arranges them for the band's acoustic instrumentation and gentle aesthetic. Information about each track's festival context and particular taal (rhythmic cycle) is succinctly laid out in the CD's liner notes.