- 歌曲
- 时长
On a random night in November 2013 I had what I would like to call “an awakening.” I was gently nudged from an online video with no more than a couple hundred views; “viral” would not be used in the description. It was nothing earth shattering, simple things I had heard over the years, yet probably refused to listen to or felt they didn’t apply to me. This led me down a path. A path of anger, fear, determination and eventually liberation. I started to research more. Paying attention to political policies and “figures.” Searching for more information than what the contraption attached to my cable box wanted to let me in on. For the first time in my life I actually experienced critical thinking. Agree or disagree, I wanted to know for myself. Then it happened. With virtually no effort or pre-meditation…my pen hit the page. I hit “Binks” and asked him to send me anything he could. Before I knew it, I had a full album written and ready to go. I’m excited for you to experience this journey with me. It’s nothing like I’ve ever experienced before. Every emotion from this very unique time in my life is documented; the highs, the lows and everything in between. The objective of this project is not to persuade…but to ask. Ask you, the listener, to take in these words and rhythms and decide for yourself…what do you think? What part of this system do you play? I’ve had a very fortunate life. Born into an excellent family and have a mom, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and a father who gave me every opportunity I needed. I won. I’m here. But there are a lot of people who didn’t. And aren’t. Do with it what you may. But I had to let you know why this is sitting in front of you right now. Thank you for your support. You will probably never truly understand the gratitude that comes with it. Dream Impossible.