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John-Alex Mason has thrilled audiences in New England, the South and his home state of Colorado with his unique mix of acoustic folk Blues. Big John, as he came to be known while playing in the Charleston area, traces his love of music to two main people in his childhood, the family housekeeper Viola Marigna, and his big brother Stephen. "As little ones we are pretty much open to whatever comes our way. I was blessed to be familiar with Black spirituals when I began to explore the roots of the Rock and Roll on the radio and my bro's Hi-Fi. It gave me a foundation of understanding to work from and something to hold onto." The summer of 2002 was filled with solo acoustic performances as well house rockin' evenings as part of Hipshake, a four piece blues, R&B, and roots band. Recording the self-titled "Mason & Hundt" with Gerry Hundt his music partner and friend from college capped off the summer. The album is made up of 15 favorites including works by Tampa Red, Blind Blake, Booker White and Mason himself. The quiet, humble nature that is contained in Mason's six foot three inch frame explodes on the stage into an embodiment of the Blues, and John-Alex will be quick to tell you that his Blues are not all about feeling down. "No matter what, the Blues is about rising up, leaving the world behind for a moment, and coming back with a new perspective on what and who is waiting there for you. My love and my job is to take people there." All in all, Mason is one to watch and listen to, for now and in a future that looks bright and all blue for this young Blues man. Gerry Hundt is an accomplished harmonica player and instructor who has impressed crowds throughout the country with his sweet tone and tasteful harp playing. While growing up in Northern Illinois, Gerry soaked up the blues and was playing in stateline roadhouses well before his twenty-first birthday. Hundt has hosted weekly jams, taught a collegiate course, held down solo gigs (on guitar) and appeared onstage with regional blues luminaries Johnny B. Gayden, R.J. Mischo, Cadillac Pete Rahn, Westside Andy, Glenn Davis, Steve Ditzell, Michael Rubin, Mark Lavoie and is currently the playing second guitar and harmonica for the W.C. Handy award winning NICK MOSS & the Flip Tops. During a two-year stint in Brooklyn, NY, he dazzled Manhattan audiences as part of The Push Ponys, who enjoyed packed and energetic houses at the Continental, The Lakeside Lounge, and The Baggot Inn, among others. Having become a fixture on the Denver blues scene, Gerry has been seen onstage with Hipshake, The Clam Daddys, Easy Bill & the Big Beat, Al and the Homewreckers, Boa & the Constrictors, Rich Reno & Blame the Blues, Harvey Mitchell, The Justin Case Band, and Heezee's HouseRockers (his own project featuring the music of Hound Dog Taylor, Robert Nighthawk, and Johnny Young); he also hosts The Skillet Lickers' weekly jam at Ziggie's Saloon. Gerry is excited to rejoin his old playing buddy John-Alex Mason for Mason & Hundt abetted by his dynamic, powerful harmonica stylings.