Crocodile Dundee (Original Motion Picture Score)

Crocodile Dundee (Original Motion Picture Score)

  • 流派:Soundtrack 原声
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:1986-01-01
  • 唱片公司:Silva Screen Records Ltd
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


美国女记者苏·查尔顿传闻澳洲有一位富有传奇色彩的捕鳄鱼能手,便远赴澳洲进行采访。原来,这位名叫邓迪的捕鳄鱼能手,是由澳大利亚北部热带丛林里的土著居民抚养成人。该地居民以打猎和钓鱼为生,邓迪耳濡目染也精通此行。他勇猛异常,不仅能制服一头发怒的水牛,而且还敢下河捕捉鳄鱼,因此当地的居民都亲昵地称他为“鳄鱼先生”。一次,他在捕捉鳄鱼时,被凶狠的鳄鱼咬伤了一条腿,但他毫不示弱,终将鳄鱼捕获。过后,他忍着伤痛,爬了一个星期,才回到家。 苏·查尔顿的到来,受到邓迪的热情接待,他还带她去参观自己与鳄鱼搏 斗的地方。当苏提出要跟邓迪一起去捕捉鳄鱼时,邓迪欣然同意。经过在沼泽地里的艰苦跋涉,他俩来到鳄鱼经常出没的地方。精疲力尽的苏想洗个燥提神。谁知,刚下水,一只凶猛异常的鳄鱼就向她窜来。幸好邓迪及时发现,才救了苏一命。经过这惊险的一幕,苏对邓迪的兴趣大增。为了配合她的报道,同时,也是为了撰写一篇关于一个未曾受过教育的青年接触现代文明生活后的专题报道,苏说服邓迪一起来到了繁华的大城市纽约。 在报社的安排下,邓迪下榻在一家豪华的酒店。他不知怎么使唤服务员,更不知如何使用浴盆,处处感到受拘束。当晚,苏带了男友梅森邀请邓迪到高级饭店共进晚餐,不懂礼仪的邓迪闹出了不少笑话。闲来无事,邓迪一人去逛大街,在那儿他第一次看见嬉皮士;第一次遇上妓女向他调情。他兴致勃勃地带了一个新结识的女友回酒店,谁知道这“女友”却是个男人。邓迪正想脱身,又遇上一个挥舞着水果刀企图抢他钱包的抢劫犯,他连忙拨出那柄宰野兽的刀,吓得那个抢劫犯掉头就跑。 面对着这啼笑皆非的一切,邓迪只想快些回到自己清静的世界中去。苏的父亲为了庆贺女儿的采访成功,在家里举行了隆重的宴会。会上,梅森宣布不日将与苏举行订婚仪式。前来参加宴会的邓迪一听此消息差点拨出刀来,因为他已爱上了苏。回酒店后,邓迪闷闷不乐地打点好行装,准备回家。苏闻讯后,立即赶到车站,在拥挤的人群中,她终于勇敢地向邓迪表白。 "Crocodile" Dundee is a 1986 Australian comedy film set in the Australian Outback and in New York City. It stars Paul Hogan as the weathered Mick Dundee. Hogan's future wife Linda Kozlowski portrayed Sue Charlton. Inspired by the true life exploits of Rodney Ansell, the film was made on a budget of under $10 million as a deliberate attempt to make a commercial Australian film that would appeal to a mainstream American audience, but proved to be a worldwide phenomenon. Released on 30 April 1986 in Australia, and on 26 September 1986 in the United States, it was the second-highest-grossing film in the United States in that year and went on to become the second-highest grossing film worldwide at the box office as well. There are two versions of the film: the Australian version, and an international version, the latter of which had much of the Australian slang replaced with more commonly understood terms, and was slightly shorter. The film was followed by two sequels: "Crocodile" Dundee II (1988) and Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001). Sue Charlton, a feature writer for Newsday (which her father owns) and is dating her editor, Richard Mason, travels to Walkabout Creek, a small hamlet in the Northern Territory of Australia to meet Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee, a bushman reported to have lost half a leg to a Saltwater Crocodile. On arrival in Walkabout Creek (by helicopter due to its remote location), Dundee is nowhere to be found but she is entertained at the local pub by Dundee's business partner Walter "Wally" Reilly who does his best to explain the town and some of its inhabitants, including Donk who wins money by placing a glass of beer on his head and challenging people to try and spill the beer by punching him in the stomach (Wally explains that Donk has never spilled a drop). When Dundee finally arrives later that night (by throwing his hunting knife at the bar and wrestling a fake crocodile), Sue finds his leg is not missing, but he has a large scar which he refers to as a love bite. While Sue dances with Dundee, a group of city kangaroo shooters make fun of Dundee's status as a crocodile hunter, causing him to knock the leader out with one punch. Feeling lucky he then challenges Donk and proceeds to make him spill the entire glass, not by hitting him in the stomach, but kissing him on the lips. At first Sue finds Dundee less legendary than she had been led to believe, being unimpressed by his uncouth behaviour and clumsy advances towards her; however, she is later amazed when in the Outback, she witnesses "Mick" (as Dundee is called) subduing a Wild Asian Water Buffalo, taking part in an Aboriginal tribal dance ceremony, killing snakes with his hands, and (at her request) scaring the roo shooters from the pub from their sport of shooting kangaroos. Mick shoots at their truck using a dead Kangaroo as cover making them think the roo is shooting at them, which in their drunken state causes them to flee (in a reference to a well known Australian television show, as Sue cheers from her hiding spot, Mick puts down the dead roo and remarks "Thanks Skippy"). The next morning, offended by Mick's assertion that she is incapable of surviving the Outback alone, Sue goes out alone to prove him wrong, but takes his rifle at his request. Mick quietly follows her to make sure she was ok, but when she stops at a billabong to refill her canteen, she is attacked by a crocodile and rescued by Mick. Grateful for Mick's heroism and realizing that he is at heart a true gentleman, Sue finds herself becoming attracted to him. Sue invites Mick to return with her to New York City on the pretext of continuing the feature story. At first Wally scoffs at her suggestion, but quickly changes his mind when she tells him the newspaper would cover all expenses. Once in New York, Mick is perplexed by behaviour and customs, but is still able to overcome problematic situations including two encounters with a pimp and two attempted robberies, the second of which saw the legendary line "That's not a knife, that's a knife!" after he and Sue were almost robbed by young thugs who pull out a switchblade, but Mick scares them off with his much larger hunting knife. After this Sue realises her true feelings for him and they kiss. At a society dinner at her fathers home in honour of Sue's return and of Mick's visit, Richard proposes marriage to Sue at a dinner party and she initially accepts in spite of Richard's having revealed his self-centred and insensitive “true colours” during a period of intoxication (at which point in a crowded upper class restaurant, Mick hit him after distracting Sue). Mick, disheartened at Sue's engagement, decides to go 'walkabout' around the USA; but Sue, has a change of heart in the meantime and decides not to marry Richard after all, follows Mick to a subway station. There, she cannot reach him through the crowd on the platform, but has members of the crowd relay her message to him, whereupon he walks to her on the heads and raised hands of the jubilant crowd and embraces her.
