ØZI: The Album

ØZI: The Album

  • 流派:Rap/Hip Hop
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2018-07-10
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


2018 ØZI首张全创作专辑 限量发售 包办词曲编曲及MV 重新定义这个世代的嘻哈R&B态度 浪漫、情欲、侵略性、企图心 乐坛核弹重磅降临 20年前「R&B」曲风窜进华语流行音乐市场,融合华语歌词的博大精深,奠定了一股经典浪潮,至今广为传唱。随着时光的推演,R&B已经在不同的时空背景、生活文化中衍生出许多崭新的风格,其中「PB R&B」便是近期在全球掀起广大关注的分支,特色在于它在一首歌中所创造的空灵、迷离感,编曲为强调这样的氛围,使歌手的演唱实力相对来说成为了重要的配器,也因如此,让华语流行音乐圈尽管明白这是一股不容小觑的潮流曲风,也不敢轻易尝试,直到ØZI的出现。 他不仅具有律动感浑然天成的唱腔,其在饶舌的节奏设计上更令人玩味,听过的人无不欣慰这样稀有的全才终于在华语乐坛诞生,也不难想像他即将颠覆趋于保守的市场眼界,重新定义华语流行音乐的无限可能性! 在这一年突然以新人姿态出现的ØZI,在还未发片前就已累积了相当的人气及歌曲,在单曲的时代中,艺人、歌手已不再让歌迷等待太久,希望能在短时间内不断的给予歌迷新的作品,保持新鲜感。但在ØZI尚未正式出道前,就已经知道要证明给歌迷他是做得到的,在去年首支证明态度及才华的〈TITLE 头衔〉空降于台湾音乐市场后,不只是吸引了媒体注意,更震撼了华语流行乐坛;之后再推出首支百万点击率发行单曲〈天堂岛〉,展现R&B饶唱功力不遗余力,又于年底成为嘻哈单曲〈走到飞〉中个性鲜明的饶唱歌手。无论是业界主流或是嘻哈圈都备受肯定,让歌迷们迫不及待催促著专辑的诞生。 专辑中接连而来的强烈意识和动机,绝对会给各位惊人的解答,为何在如此年轻的灵魂里像是住着一头无法克制的野兽,又同时能表现出超龄的细腻情感?专辑的整体风格围绕在R&B与嘻哈中,而这两类融合的曲风更是被命名为「PB R&B」,在编曲中可见大量的的嘻哈R&B的TONE调音色和手法,在歌词中也完全展现自己的企图、感性与侵略性,整张专辑与新世代嘻哈R&B制作人剃刀蒋、米奇林MCKY共同制作,专辑作品曲风多元,但却也很精准的围绕在同种基调上,让人一听就上瘾。 1.ØZYMADIAS (01:22) 2.Diamond 钻石 (03:14) 3.Paradise Island 天堂岛 (03:35) 4.We out here (03:25) 5.B.O. (03:57) 6.Wings 翅膀 (02:27) 7.Me instead 夺爱 (03:11) 8.Bad intentions 企图 (03:36) 9.PREY 掠食 (03:33) 10.Title 头衔 (03:02) 2018 ØZI Debut album [Physical copies of the album will be limited] The 21 year old singer, rapper, song-writer, music producer, and MV director redefines the generation’s perception of Hip-hop and R&B. Romantic, sexual, infectious, and ambitious. “Like a nuclear bomb to the music scene”. 20 years ago, R&B was introduced to the Mandarin pop music industry. The fusion between western R&B melodic riffs and Mandarin poetic lyrics created a sound that was never heard before. Years later, R&B has evolved into diverse styles, one being “PBR&B". To express the romantic, sexual, and infectious sensation of PBR&B requires a very particular set of vocal skills and techniques. Not a lot of artists have attempted to try the style, until the appearance of ØZI. With his unique sound and effortless charm, the 21 year old R&B singer and rapper has made big waves in the scene long before this upcoming debut album. He made it clear in the very beginning that he was going to be the brightest shining star with the song “Title” that he self-released in early 2017. The song caught the attention of the media and fans of hip-hop. He then followed up with the song “Paradise Island” that brought Mandarin PBR&B into a complete new level, demonstrating his ability to create phenomenal sounds. The hype around ØZI has made this upcoming album the most anticipated album of the year. The debut is ØZI’s statement to bring Mandarin R&B to an international scale. Together with producers Razor Chiang and MCKY, they completed something revolutionary. “ØZI: The Album” is an album that will push boundaries and change the way people listen to Mandarin R&B forever.

