我的朋友,我的同学,我爱过的一切 电影原声带

我的朋友,我的同学,我爱过的一切 电影原声带

  • 流派:流行
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2017-09-29
  • 类型:Single


佳明喜爱新谣,也有一点音乐天分,常常抱着吉他自弹自唱,还会作曲填词。他很实际地明白“音乐只是玩玩的”。 与他同校的还有三个好朋友,就是“小胖”潘志生,“小老板”萧浩颁,以及“草根”曹耕。当时,“小老板”阿颁爸爸开的民歌餐厅“梦船”面临关闭的问题,于是佳明义气地免费在餐厅里驻唱。 他们为“梦船”举行一系列的宣传活动,机缘巧合地佳明与May相遇。一开始他对May不欣赏,但后来她美妙的嗓子吸引了自己。后来,两人更心系对方,开始了纯纯的初恋。直到双方母亲阻扰,他必须在理想和现实中做出抉择…… 70年代台湾民歌盛行,新加坡与马来西亚在80年代也跟着掀起民谣风。这些称为新谣与马谣的清新作品在当时造就了许多对音乐怀抱梦想的文青。梁文福、巫启贤、颜黎明这些耳熟能详的名字,成为莘莘学子们疯狂崇拜的创作偶像。这些当年美好的记忆与情怀随着时间的流逝逐渐被淡忘。 That Girl in Pinafore (2013) is a coming-of-age movie about a group of teenagers who are united by their love of Singapore folk music or xinyao, which the soundtrack pays tribute to. The xinyao music movement began in the mid 1980s among young junior college and polytechnic students who wrote songs reflecting the emotions and aspirations in their coming-of-age. Over the years, xinyao songs gained popularity for their characteristic clear acoustics, simple melodies and sentimental lyrics. Now nearly two decades later, That Girl in Pinafore re-introduces classic xinyao songs by pioneers such as Liang Wern Fook, Eric Moo and Billy Koh, with contemporary arrangements to a new generation of Singaporeans.
