

  • 流派:Rock 摇滚
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2021-06-23
  • 类型:EP


EP《错象》取自乐队同名,其中收录了乐队自2019年夏天成立以来创作的五首歌曲。 四季、清晨、荒野、旅店,虚拟场景在真实的元素中重塑了一种另类的叙事,在现实与魔幻交错的时空里,我们的情绪是否是真实的? 乐队用错落的声音打开了情绪的层次感,不再以正确或谬误定义真实与虚幻,其间的爱与信仰,才是应该被讲述的故事。 本张EP以迷幻摇滚为基底,在交叠的吉他和密集的鼓点中,歌声即叙述,五首歌曲看似是五个独立的故事,实则逻辑贯通,就像歌词写的“在草田伫立,又归去远方。” The debut EP "FALSUS" is named after the band. It included five tracks composed from the band since its establishment in summer of 2019. Four seasons; fuzzy morning; wilderness and motel are the virtual scenes they created. The stories were rebuilt by alternative narrative according to real elements. It made us doubting whether our emotion is real in the space where reality and magic intersect. The emotional hierarchy was opened up by the band through over-layering sound. The definition of truth and illusion is no longer judged by the right or wrong, the love and faith is the true core of stories that should be told. This EP is rooted on psychedelic rock; Singing is the way of narrative, mixing with overlapping guitars and intensive drums. The tracks seem like five individual story, however they were logically connected. It created an imagery, which can be quoted from the lyric: 'Standing in the grass field for a long time, then return into distance. '
