《75'13" 109》 时间: 2015年12月26日 农历:乙未年戌子月丙子日 地点: 东经100.23/北纬 25.6 中国. 云南.大理古城 75'13" 109 Dec. 26th, 2016 Longitude:100.23 E/25.6 N Dali, Yunnan, China 遇见, 真实、自然的发声~ 起、承、转、合!气息不断, 浑然天成~ A truly voice from nature… start/connect/transfer/complete~ Like a continues deep breath, reach out to the paradise! 得此作,佳缘! This album, is a precious connection between the musicians! 未知莫识MUSiC Studio Found in 2018 未知莫识(unintended)独立音乐厂牌成立于2018年,致力于创造与开拓与音乐有关的一切不设限的表达形式。 Unintended was found in 2018, dedicated to creating and exploring all unrestricted forms of expression related to music. 全网ID:未知莫识 YouTube | UNINTENDED MUSiC Channel