参劈在2002年成军时最早的作品之一是〈参劈游戏〉,副歌这样唱着:「一就是那旋律,二是节奏压韵,三代表三位一体,参劈游戏」。在2008年的〈依旧〉这首歌中,「一就是那旋律」被联想为「依旧是那旋律」。现在参劈又再度出手,把「二是节奏压韵」改造成新作〈饿吃节奏压韵〉,节奏与饶舌技法采用80年代简洁犀利的老学校风格,向Run DMC、LL Cool J、Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five等前辈致敬,以丰盛的食物为隐喻,带听众重返嘻哈音乐富饶的黄金年代。 “Hungry for Beats & Rhymes”by TriPoets is a rap song that brings back the no-nonsense style from the 80s Old-School era. While paying homage to pioneers such as Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five,LL Cool J,and Run DMC,it expresses a desire for dope beats and fresh rhymes,just like we all need good food for a good life.