金刚狼与DAVIS T的合作专辑《末日流星》正式上线! 情绪与我共存,它赋予了我天赋也赋予了我痛苦 专辑灵感来源于人情感成长的过程,有时回看曾今的自己是该觉得后悔还是感激。人们总是在不断的往前走,却忘记了和曾经的自己告别,从而不断的被情绪困扰。 The collaboration album "Doomsday Meteor" between Wolverine and DAVIS T has officially been released! Emotions coexist with me, giving me talent and pain The inspiration for the album comes from the process of emotional growth, and sometimes looking back at oneself, should one feel regret or gratitude. People always keep moving forward, but forget to say goodbye to their past selves, thus constantly being troubled by emotions.