云游者走四方。 古老谚语说:永远都要很小心地选择你的敌人。 因为你将会跟他抗争,在那个抗争当中,你将会变成就像你的敌人,因为你将必须使用同样的方法和同样的工具。 有简单的迹象显示你走在正确的道路上:你的紧张会开始消失,你会变得越来越冷静丶越来越镇定。你会在一些从来不觉得美的东西上感觉到美。 如果你走在正确的道路上,这些迹象将会越来越明显;如果你走在错误的道路上则刚好相反的事就会发生。 感谢朱毁毁在封面拍摄中给予的支持。 Cloud Rangers walk the Quartet. The old saying goes: Always choose your enemies carefully. Because you will fight him, and in that struggle you will become your enemy, because you will have to use the same methods and the same tools. There are simple signs that you are on the right path: your tension will begin to disappear and you will become calmer and calmer. You will feel beauty in something that never feels beautiful. If you're on the right path, the signs will become more and more apparent;