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我们不过是广告业里各种形形色色的虫子,当曾经的理想被现实打击得七零八落。我们自嘲,羞于将曾经的理想吐露半点,嘴上说我不相信有龙,却还是心有不甘。而龙玺全球创意奖将给虫们壹次蜕变成龙的机会。是龙是虫,比了才知道。 We are just all sorts of worms in the advertising industry, when the ideal is hit by the real world. We laugh at ourselves, shy away from our ideals, and say I don't believe in dragons, but still have a heart. And the LONGXI global creative prize will give the worms a chance to become a dragon. You are dragon or worm, I know it better than I do.