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Edgar Sosa, a 23 year old recording artist based out of Fontana/Rialto California, began making music at the age of 12. Sosa rapidly developed a strong content in his ability to write music thanks to the inspiration brewed up from his older brothers Celphi [self-Eye] and Lz$. Together the 3 brothers form as BM$ (Beautiful Music Society). No stranger to the stage, the young Latino rapper has landed himself along side other artist such as SchoolBoy Q, Dj Quick, Skeme and many others at some of the biggest venues in California and has collaborated with numerous others such as Kendrick Lamar, His Brother Celphi, & His team memebers Stevie Crooks + Snazz Gordy + Courteous L which help make form FF$ (FourFiveSix). Edgar Sosa is a very prominent artist coming out of the Inland Empire, & is a breath of fresh air who is definitely worth a listen. www.SoundCloud.Com/EdgarSosa909 www.FaceBook.Com/EdgarSosa909 www.Twitter.Com/EdgarSosa909 www.Instagram.Com/EdgarSosa