Next of Kin

Next of Kin

  • 流派:R&B 节奏布鲁斯
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2004-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


The product of a Chicago Hustler and a gospel singer brought fourth the birth of a truly gifted child. Tim Jackson was born on the West Side of Chicago, IL. His father denied him in the early parts of his childhood. Tim's mother and grandparents had to play both mother and father in his life. It was not the easiest task dealing with no father figure, so he embraced his relationship with the only male role model he had which was his grandfather. Tim's relationship with his grandfather proved to be a positive connection. Tim's roots were embedded in the church due the bond with his grandfather. He was involved with the church choir while admiring his mother and aunt Michelle singing in the choir, while his Aunt Delores played the piano and directed the choir. Being exposed to the power of gospel music filled the void that his father was not fulfilling. While singing in the church choir, Tim was intrigued by the young adult choir's organist playing capabilities. Eventually, the organist start giving Tim lessons while Tim was encouraged to look, listen, and learn music and the theory behind it. Since, the organist was unable to read sheet music, he taught Tim how to play music by ear. It took only six hours for Tim to play his first song. The foundation was now laid for Tim to start composing, and creating music. Taking some of the best singers in the neighborhood and local churches, Tim started his first group called "God's paradise". he later formed a group called "Denair", a four-man group that was formed in college, but broke up due to creative differences. Tim still stayed active in writing and composing while in school and would often accompany vocalist for talent shows. There was still a desire for his voice to be heard. Tim became really focused and joined a group called "N2Soul". He became one of the groups lead singers and composers. The group had problems trying to find a producer, so Tim hustled a way to purchase equipment to begin recording music for a demo. The group was pursued by MCA and PolyGram and had the pleasure of performing on stage with Kenny Lattimore , and also performed for Brain McKnight and the executive staff at PolyGram Records. PolyGram showed major interest, but as on of life's challenges, the label aspect of the deal fell through. This was soon followed by another challenge for Tim, the passing of his father. The last conversation Tim had with his father was a week before he passed. His father told him, "never to give up on music and always keep it near to your heart." His father also shared that he also was a singer and that he did not take advantage of his opportunities. Tim embraces his father's last words and he expresses his love for him on his debut album. Some say the industry is saturated, if you heard it once you have heard it a thousand times. So many artist are caught in the position of keeping it real without truly being real to themselves. The music industry is crying out for a change, and the streets invite you to engage in a soul colloquy with Tim Jackson.

