- 歌曲
- 时长
MY WORLD ANDERS HOLTE WITH CACINA MEADU 时空唤境 一个美丽、和谐又纯然放松的心灵世界 在安德斯心灵高解析音乐中享受灵性甦醒的喜悦 对我来说,歌曲是音乐的故事,我非常喜欢讲故事。 纯粹的声音让我「无杂念」,不需要「解释」任何事, 在这个时刻,我的歌声成为我的祷词, 我发现自己处于永恒的存在。 ~安德斯•霍特 1.你能否想象 Can you imagine 8:47 2.穿越生命时光 Walking through lifetimes 11:11 3.法老的守护者 My Sekhmet 14:14 4.我从未知晓 I never knew 5:55 5.最初的地方 Where I’m coming from 8:36 6.完美分身 Perfect replications * 5:30 7.Bonus Track: 回家 I am returning(remix) 4:35 唤醒深沉觉知、进入清明定境的 灵魂男声 Anders Holte 安德斯‧霍特 在学习音乐时,安德斯感到有强大的能量从音乐中照耀过来,他也一直清楚,那就是回家的声音,我们都从那个声音里面而来。 常常他会在自己演唱的音乐中感受到和「某种存有」的远古震动连接。从维度的观点看,在他音乐里面储存的信息超越了现今社会语言能认知的信息。聆听他的音乐,会扩展你的觉知乃至于使人感受到其他维度的存在,这就是他音乐的特质。 WELCOME TO MY WORLD. I’ve been a singer long before I was aware of it. As a boy I would be singing in the evenings outside on the swing, absorbed in my own world of sound. Neighbors and family would have their windows open, quietly listening so as not to disturb me. These are my first memories of being able to touch other people with my singing. Today, after many years as a professional singer… my world of music still opens up whenever I can just close my eyes and lean into the sound, completely immersed in the musical moment, tuning into that same place I knew so well as a boy. LYRICS AND PURE SOUND. To me, songs are stories in music, and I love to tell stories. Musical poetry is also a unique form of expression and it can transform written information into an alchemy of words and wisdom. On the other hand, when I sing pure sound using what I call Language of Light, it allows me to be ‘mindless.’ There is nothing I must ‘explain.' In these moments my singing becomes my prayer, and I can simply express myself in a timeless state of being. My World is another collaboration with my partner Cacina, with whom I also composed the album Dream Of The Blue Whale. Cacina’s exquisite ability to create a musical space with her harmonies and sounds is very inspiring to me. We truly enjoyed the birth of this album and we hope that you will like the music. 欢迎来到我的时空唤境 当我还是个男孩,我会在夜色中一边荡鞦韆一边唱歌,沉浸在自己的音乐世界中,我的邻居和家人会打开窗户静静聆听我的歌声,这是我第一次拥有听众的回忆。多年过去,今天,我成为专业的歌手,然而我最爱的,是闭上眼睛让自己毫无杂念地进入音乐,回到夜色中的鞦韆上,享受音乐的那个男孩。 对我来说,歌曲是音乐的故事,我非常喜欢讲故事。纯粹的声音让我「无杂念」,不需要「解释」任何事,在这个时刻,我的歌声成为我的祷词,我发现自己处于永恒的存在。这张专辑是我与我的伙伴克席娜的最新合作,过去我们曾一同合作「蓝鲸之梦」专辑。克席娜的精湛演出与她的和声,创造了一个极为鼓舞人心的音乐空间。 我们很高兴这张专辑的诞生,希望你也可以喜爱并享受其中。 安德斯‧霍特