

  • 流派:World Music 世界音乐
  • 语种:意大利语
  • 发行时间:2014-04-22
  • 类型:录音室专辑


APOLIDE music and arrangement by Eusebio Martinelli CARATTERIZZATO DA RITMO DISPARI E MOLTO SERRATO DA' IL NOME L'INIZIO ALL'ALBUM. BRANO SENZA CITTADINANZA, MUSICA SENZA CONFINI, CORSA CHE SI FA SEMPRE PIù ECCITANTE CON IL PROGRESSIVO AUMENTO DI SUONI E COLORI. Characterized by odd and very shut rhythm it begins the album. Song without citizen, music without confinements, raced that it does him exciting with the progressive increase of sounds and colors more and more. Eusebio Martinelli: trumpet, piccolo trumpet and baritone flugelhorn Luca Cacciatore: alto saxophone Mario Sehtl: violin Igino Caselgrandi: drum Gianluca Lione: electric bass Sebastian Macìas Masera “De La Estacion” flamenco guitar DANZE SULLA POLVERE music, arrangement and lyrics by Eusebio Martinelli SIAMO FATTI DI POLVERE E NELLA POLVERE CI PIACE DANZARE CELEBRANDO LE NOSTRE PASSIONI! IN BALIA DELLE EMOZIONI, SU QUESTO VELIERO CHE E' LA VITA, ABBRACCIAMO TEMPESTE E SPLENDENTI GIORNATE DI SOLE, FACENDOCI RAPIRE DALLA MUSICA CHE NEL CORPO DIVENTA LA NOSTRA DANZA POLVEROSA. We are made of dust and to the dust we like to dance celebrating our passions! On the wave of the emotions on this ship that is life, we embrace storms and bright sunny days, letting us kidnap the music that the body becomes our dance dusty. Eusebio Martinelli trumpet, baritone flugelhorn and voice Mario Sehtl violin Daniele Marzi drum and percussion Gianluca Lione bass Sebastian Macìas Masera “De La Estacion” flamenco guitar Luigi Flocco accordeon and backing vocal Dazi Bao and Chiara Scarpone backing vocal SURUS music and arrangement by Eusebio Martinelli NOME DEL VALOROSO ELEFANTE DI ANNIBALE CHE A CAPO DELL'ESERCITO CARTAGINESE VALICO' LE ALPI. ALLA GIPSY ABARTH ORKESTAR SI AGGIUNGE IN QUESTO BRANO IL SEDUCENTE THEREMIN DI VINCENZO VASI IN CONTRASTO ALL'IMPONENTE E MAESTOSA MARCIA DEGLI ELEFANTI GUIDATI DA SURUS. Name of the brave elephant Hannibal's Carthaginian army chief that crossed the Alps. At the Gipsy Abarth Orkestar is added in this passage the seductive theremin Vincenzo Vasi in contrast to the imposing and majestic march of the elephants led by Surus. Eusebio Martinelli trumpet and baritone flugelhorn Vincenzo Vasi theremin Daniele Marzi drum and percussion Gianluca Lione electric bass Sebastian Macìas Masera “De La Estacion” flamenco guitar GRECALE music, arrangement and lyrics by Eusebio Martinelli VENTO CHE SOFFIA DA NORD EST E MAGICAMENTE PORTA CON SE' TUTTA L'ENERGIA DELLA FESTA E DELLA GRANDE MUSICA BALCANICA. NELLA REALIZZAZIONE DI QUESTA IMMAGINE SI UNISCONO, IN UN INSOLITO ED EMOZIONANTE CONNUBIO, IL VIOLINO TZIGANO DEL BOSNIACO MARIO SEHTL E LA VOCE DI SUA MADRE, AMIRA SEHTL. Wind blowing from the North East and magically brings all the energy of celebration and great balkan music. In the realization of this come together, in an unusual and exciting combination, the gypsy violin Mario Sehtl and the voice of his mother, Amira Sehtl. Eusebio Martinelli: trumpet and voice Amira Sehtl: female voice Mario Sehtl: violin Igino Caselgrandi: drum Gianluca Lione: electric bass Sebastian Macìas Masera: “De La Estacion” flamenco guitar Luigi Flocco: accordeon and backing vocal Dazi Bao and Chiara Scarpone: backing vocal OLEAO arrangements by Eusebio Martinelli on the soundtracks of italian film historians interpreted by Alberto Sordi UN RITORNO ALLA "DOLCE VITA", UN DIVERTENTE ARRANGIAMENTO E UN'ORIGINALE INTERPRETAZIONE SU MELODIE TRATTE DA STORICI FILM DI ALBERTO SORDI, TRA CUI "O RUGIDO DO LEAO" A return to the "sweet life", a fun and original interpretation of arranging melodies from historical Alberto Sordi's movies, including "O rugido do leao." Eusebio Martinelli trumpet and barithone flugelhorn Luigi Flocco accordeon Fabrizio “Biccio” Benevelli soprano saxophone and bass clarinet Igino Caselgrandi drum and percussion Gabriele Gnudi tuba Michele Barbagli electric guitar LE CANTINE DI SAN GIGLIO music arrangements and lyrics by Eusebio Martinelli and Michele Barbagli ISPIRATO ALLA FESTA DELLE CANTINE APERTE DELL'ISOLA DEL GIGLIO. UN VIAGGIO FANTASTICO DOVE LA "CICALA", CELEBRE VINO DELL'ISOLA, ANIMA LA BANDA, LE QUADRIGLIE E DA' VITA A INGENUI CORTEGGIAMENTI. Inspired by the celebration of “Open Cellars Island of Giglio”. A fantastic journey where the "Cicala", a famous wine of the island, becomes the protagonist and soul of the band, the quadrilles and gives life to naive courtship. Eusebio Martinelli: trumpet, french horn and voice Michele Barbagli: electric guitar, banjo, electric bass and back vocal Igino Caselgrandi: drum and percussion Fabrizio Benevelli: clarinet Luigi Flocco: accordeon and backing vocal Chiara Scarpone: backing vocal SINFONIA 5 music and arrangement by Eusebio Martinelli PRIVO DI QUALSIASI STRUTTURA PREDEFINITA E' IL BRANO IN CUI EUSEBIO MARTINELLI HA DATO PIU' CHE MAI SFOGO ALLA PROPRIA CREATIVITA'. RITMI GITANI E ALTERNANZA TRA ORCHESTRA E SOLISTI IN UN CRESCENDO SEMPRE PIU' ESPLOSIVO. Devoid of any default structure is the song where Eusebio Martinelli has given more than ever rein to their creativity. Gypsy rhythms and alternating between orchestra and soloists in a growing increasingly explosive. Eusebio Martinelli: trumpet and barithone flugelhorn Daniele Donadelli: accordeon Mario Sehtl: violin Paolo Prosperini: guitar Igino Caselgrandi: drum Juan Rodriguez: darbouka Gianluca Lione: electric bass Luca Cacciatore: alto saxophone Fabrizio “Biccio” Benevelli: barithone saxophone GAZPACHO REMIX music and arrangement by Eusebio Martinelli, remix by DJ Tagadà BONUS TRACK CONCLUSIVA CHE AI LIVE DELLA GIPSY ABARTH ORKESTAR POTREBBE ACCOMPAGNARE I SALUTI E GLI ABBRACCI FINALI. DJ TAGADA' HA COSì RIVISITATO, IN STILE BALKAN BEAT, GAZPACHO: MINESTRONE GITANO E CAVALLO DI BATTAGLIA DEL PRECEDENTE E FORTUNATO ALBUM DI EUSEBIO MARTINELLI. Final bonus track on the album that could accompany the greetings and hugs to the final concerts of the Gipsy Abarth Orkestar. DJ tagada thus revisited, style balkan beat, Gazpacho: gypsy soup and workhorse of the previous successful album Eusebio Martinelli. Eusebio Martinelli: trumpet Marco Frattini: drum and percussion Nicolò Fiori: double bass Paolo Schianchi: flamenco guitar Daniele Donadelli: accordeon Mixing by Luca Serio Bertolini at “Yonder Studio” www.yonderstudio.it Mastering by Giovanni Versari at “La Maesta” mastering Studio Artwork by Robert Kondorosi artwork@budzillus.de www.budzillus.de Press Office: Kabukista www.kabukista.it info@kabukista.it Booking Agency: Make A Dream www.makeadream.it info@makeadream.it 0039 348 6011325 Produced by Eusebio Martinelli www.eusebiomartinelli.com info@eusebiomartinelli.com Thanks to: all the people who helped giving me suggestions, inspiration and encouragement to the realization of this work. all the musicians who in recent years have been part of the family Gipsy Abarth Orkestar and with whom I had the honor and the pleasure of sharing the stage, road and beautiful adventures. Thanks to their great musicality was possible the realization of Apolide!
