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talented music artist get over looked daily ... up until recently virtually no a&r would think to look in the southwest muchless albuquerque new mexico ... over the last 5 years with film and the mma explosion ... the industry is starting to pay attention to what other talents might be hidden in the wild wild west. We got to talk with a crue that has had a long journey and is finally starting to bite into the fruit of there labor ... "THA SET " which consist of 4 rappers and one r&b singer almost a decade of blood sweat and tears has brought us to modern day ... tha set is aware of the amount of talent in their crue so they know they can't allow themselves to go unscene... when talking to individuals of tha set you get a sences that they have been through shows with little attendence ... delt with unprofessional promoters and traveled hundreds of miles to get there music heard. though most would expect to be handed success on a silver platter ... they seem grounded enough to know the work needed to make it has only started... working on there new body of work since the beggingin of the year has proven to be another learning experience .... With tracks like the party vibed PYCU (rmx) the acronym meaning "put your cups up" which was produced by mike cee & the young energetic drummer jimmy j. sets the tone for what proves to be a glimpse into tha set's ability to make a fun, energetic and popular song ... stay connect to tha sets youtube.com/thaset505 for this and more videos ... Tha set has always prided themselves in the ability to show versatility in there music.Which we were lucky enough to findout first hand thanks to a private listening party at colab, there recording studio headquarters. Here is a play by play breakdown of "Tha set is in the buildn" Clap ... is a fast pace club driven rundmc mic switch between 4 of the 5 members of tha set backed by deejay x man (dirtydesert) Dollars ... finds tha set where they fill most comfortable ... in the club ... loud music .... drinks ... party vibe Fly away ... is a tail of our whole existance being surrounded by money ...Dollas Is Everything as tha set would put it Featuring the talent of ben lockjaw nakai Heart attack ... a laid back smooth love song about a women's greatest asset. Songs like this is a prime example of why they have such a big female following Different Hat Different A - makes it easy to understand the mentality of people from albuquerque and how a Anaheim, arizona and atlanta cap all may share a similar letter. But to people in the duke city they all symbolise albuquerque. A Jetsons - starts with a familiar door bell sampl from the classic cartoon. Taking a point of view not having to do with the future but more the hieght of what could enduse a drug coma. Shot of patron - is a look at each members journey through life. Even though its been a long road there is no better reason to celebrate. Riden through my city- gives you a feeling of a perfect weathered day driving next to the person you care for the most. Who would want to get lost in the weekend. Rockn wit the set - backed by murderous live drums over a crunk navajo beat ... proves to be a amazing backdrop for all 5 artist to fill full of punchlines. Panty droper - which proves to be more then just a popular drink in the clubs. As tha set Twist up another great party anthem. Pycu (rmx) When talking to a.vizon about pycu he makes it clear that its more then just a party song. "My uncle was a retired fire fighter that passed away from lung cancer couple of years back ... everytime I went to his house he was in the garage celebrating life ... putting his cup up so this track is dedicated to my tio zeke hernandez For more about tha set visit Thaset.net