Formosa Vol.2

Formosa Vol.2

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2021-07-27
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


因疫情影响,台湾各地景区陆续关闭,让原本许多向往高山与大海的人们,只能在家等待着解除的那一天 !! 而『 Formosa 』系列,是创作歌手王舜将环岛时去过的每个美好记忆,重新谱成钢琴演奏曲目。『 Formosa Vol.2 』是一张温柔、纾压且充满人文故事的旅行专辑。 曲目推荐 : 『只想和你去外澳』 眺望眼前巨大的龟山岛,搭配每个海滩上奔跑的身影,或许并不是跟谁去都可以,而是想跟自己最喜欢的人漫步在沙滩,留下最好的回忆。 『见晴怀古』 太平山见晴怀古步道,是一段难度非常低的山中小径,搭配著老旧的铁轨与长满青苔的森林,在花瓣飘落时更是犹如电影一般的秘境。 『迷雾中的东涌灯塔』 每当东引岛的雾季来临时,这坐落在极东之地的白色灯塔,总是在迷雾中不停地闪现,为所有岛屿海上的人们照耀著。 『瑞里菜车』 嘉义市瑞里,有对偏乡菜车的夫妻,他们每日凌晨出发,来回将近 100 公里,就是为了能让全村的村民,能够填饱肚子。人生有时会很顺遂,就像开车,因为背负的希望而努力,如果瑞里菜车给了村民养分,那聆听音乐的你就是创作者的养分。 『垦丁大雨』 垦丁给人印象是步调缓慢且没有压力的,但有时在疯狂后因突如其来的一场大雨,躲在民宿中看著窗外的雨滴,也许又多了一种不同的内心旅行方式。 相信在解除警戒前,每首歌及每个地点的宝藏,都需要大家用自己的方式挖掘,直到我们再次出发的那一天。 Many of the tourist attractions in Taiwan have been closed due to the pandemic. People who enjoying nature have to stay at home for the day when the restriction is lifted. "Formosa" series is singer-songwriter Wang Shun's fond memories from when he travels around Taiwan turned into the piano repertoire. "Formosa Vol.2" is a tender and de-stress travel album full of cultural stories. Recommended tracks: "Only want to go to the Waiao Beach with you" Looking at the huge Guishan Island, and the silhouettes running by the beach, it can't be just anyone, it has to be you, the one my heart belongs to. The memory of a walk on the beach with my favourite person. "JianqingHuaigu Trail" JianqingHuaigu Trail at the Taiping Mountain is an easy-walking mountain trail. By the old railroad tracks and mossy forest, it is like walking in a movie scene when the petal falling. "Dongyong Lighthouse in the fog" When the foggy season on Dongyin Island comes, the white lighthouse located in the extreme east always flashes in the mist and shines on all the people on the island and sea. "Grocery Truck in Rueill" In Ruili, Chiayi City, there is a couple who drives a grocery truck. They set off every early morning and go back and forth nearly 100 kilometers, just to make sure to feed the villagers. Life sometimes goes smoothly like driving a car, working hard because of hope. If the grocery truck gives the villagers nourishment, then you who listen to the music are the nourishment of the creator. "Heavy rain in Kenting" Kenting gives the impression of a slow pace and stress-free, but sometimes madness, because of sudden heavy rain. Sheltering in the guest house and looking at the raindrops outside the window, maybe there is a different way to travel by heart. Before the restriction is lifted, there are treasures in every song and location that will need to be explore by everyone in their own way. Until the day we depart again.

