Songs of A Wandering Soul: No. 3, The Mirrors Never Lie

Songs of A Wandering Soul: No. 3, The Mirrors Never Lie


London born pianist George Sharing is a legend. The son of a working class family was born blind, but this did not stop him to become one of the best jazz musicians of the 20th century. From 1947 on he played in the USA, where his harmonically complex style mixing swing, bop and modern classical influences gained popularity and made him world famous. Jazz critics wrote that his arrangement and the art of his playing was capable to make a small ensemble sound like a big band. The sound of the the George Shearing Quintet (which was occasionally augmented by other musicians) was and is indeed unique until today. You can easily recognize it out of a dozen other ensembles. Sir George Shearing - he was knightened by Queen Elizabeth II for his lifetime achievement in music - is one of the true musical icons, and with "Mambo, Memories and More" we know didicate these new album to him. Enjoy!

