• 流派:R&B 节奏布鲁斯
  • 语种:英语 国语
  • 发行时间:2019-02-18
  • 唱片公司:JYP Entertainment
  • 类型:录音室专辑


2PM 尼坤, 出道11年发表首张solo专辑 《ME》 !   - 2019年 2月 18日, 发表首张solo专辑 《ME》 !韩国,中国,泰国等同时发售 - 专辑 《ME》, 收录满满的日常温暖感性歌曲! “尼坤参与全部英文歌曲的作词,作曲” - 粉丝颂 'Umbrella', 使用韩语-中文-英语-泰语 4国语言完成录音! - 主打曲 'Lucky Charm', 令人心动的“尼坤的感性声音” 2PM 尼坤发表出道11年来的首张solo专辑 《ME》。   尼坤于 2019年 2月 18日,公开参与全部英文曲作词作曲的专辑 《ME》,为长久以来一直支持自己的粉丝们献上特别的音乐礼物。   专辑 《ME》由带有尼坤特有的甜美与干练却又不乏细腻感情的歌曲构成。 “创作人”尼坤通过自作曲,将享受闲余的咖啡店,充满解脱感的自驾兜风等听者在日常生活时可以轻松享受到的音乐进行表现,同时以流畅的英文歌词以及甜蜜的声音录制完成歌曲。 被誉为“亚洲王子”而受到大家喜爱的尼坤,将粉丝颂“Umbrella”以韩语,中文,英文,泰语共4种语言进行录制,向粉丝表达出自己的真心。同时,此次专辑《ME》在韩国,中国,泰国同时公开,令当地粉丝更加欣喜。  首张solo专辑《ME》的第2首歌,也是此次专辑的主打歌《Lucky Charm》将尼坤甜美的嗓音与温暖感性的旋律完美融合。歌词讲述了关于幻想与现实的故事。《Lucky Charm》的MV,尼坤在松软的云朵上一边弹吉他一边唱歌,像一部梦,让人心动不已。 1号歌曲'HOME' 是介绍此次专辑 《ME》的世界观的intro歌曲。在遇见各式各样的收录曲之前,令听者放松紧张,保持轻松的心情。  3号歌曲 'Bridge' 是一首添加了节奏律动的歌曲,充满魅力的歌词讲述了跨越'Bridge(桥)',向我走来的话,我会给你想要的一切这样的内容。 4号歌曲 'Jealous'讲述了对于向自己的爱人抛来视线的男人们产生嫉妒心的可爱内容。尼坤在淡淡的旋律中,展现流畅的演唱实力。   5号歌曲 'Mars' 是此次专辑中唯一的抒情歌曲。这首歌曲是尼坤从出演的tvN综艺“伽利略 : 苏醒的宇宙”时体验MDRS(火星探测研究基地)中产生灵感而诞生的歌曲。尼坤想要创作出一首能够一边弹钢琴一边演唱的歌曲,在这首歌曲中,承载了在'Mars'上无法实现的,梦幻幻想般的爱情。   6号歌曲 'Umbrella'是为了想要报答10多年以来支持尼坤的HOTTEST(2PM 粉丝名)而制作的粉丝颂。歌词直白地表现出“从现在起我会成为粉丝们的雨伞保护大家”的内容。   7号歌曲 'Colorful X’mas'独特浪漫地演唱出了尼坤在1年中最喜欢的休假--圣诞节。   8号歌曲 'Endearing' 表现出想要寻找出一个词语来形容喜爱的她,但是却无法轻易找到的歌曲。尼坤温柔却又具有号召力的嗓音使得歌曲完成度提升。   9号歌曲은 'Umbrella'的中文版,以中文歌词表现出尼坤于粉丝之间不变的信任。   尼坤首张solo专辑 《ME》中,以自己独有的音乐特色,描绘出从粉丝那里得到的特别珍贵的爱,为听者带来治愈。    [Credit]   1. HOME Lyrics by Nichkhun Composed by Nichkhun, HotSauce Arranged by HotSauce : This is an intro track made to guide you into my safe zone. To relax your mind before you begin your journey into this album, but there is a hint of rhythm and excitement.   2. Lucky Charm <title> Lyrics by Nichkhun Composed by Nichkhun, HotSauce Arranged by HotSauce : A morning tune. A song made to be listened to first this when you wake up and actually right before you close your eyes and fall asleep at night. There is a sense of fantasy vs. reality. Which is up to you to choose, but wouldn’t you want some breakfast in bed?   3. Bridge Lyrics by Nichkhun Composed by Nichkhun, TOYO Arranged by TOYO : This is a beaty one. I wanted to add a rhythmic track to this album. “Bridge”, why don’t you cross it and come to me. What are you waiting for? I can give you everything you need. Have you ever felt like that?   4. Jealous Lyrics by Nichkhun Composed by Nichkhun, FRANTS Arranged by FRANTS : I think this a cute song. Can you picture an innocent and nerdy young mad being jealous of his girlfriend being looked at by other guys? Yeah it’s childish but every guy does that.   5. Mars Lyrics by Nichkhun Composed by Nichkhun, Hong Jisang Arranged by Hong Jisang : his song was inspired by my experience at MDRS. It’s the only ballad song in this album. I wanted to make a song where I can play the piano and sing at the same time. This song too has two different interpretations. An unattainable love or a dreamy, fantasy love.   6. Umbrella (ENG) Lyrics by Nichkhun Composed by Nichkhun, Song Jiwook Arranged by Song Jiwook : For the past 10 years my HOTTEST’s have always been there for me to protect me from the rain. Now I want to return the favor in full. It’s a very straightforward song made for my fans to tell them from now on I will be their umbrella.   7. Colorful X'mas Lyrics by Nichkhun Composed by Nichkhun, TOYO Arranged by TOYO : My favorite holiday of the year is Christmas. Spending it alone is dull and grey, but with you, this already beautiful holiday, just got much more colorful.   8. Endearing Lyrics by Nichkhun Composed by Nichkhun, Raphael, Sim Eunjee Arranged by Raphael, Sim Eunjee : When you try to fit the one word to describe the one you love so dearly but you can’t seem to find the one. You just need the courage to step forward and tell them how you really feel.   9. Umbrella (CHN) Lyrics by Nichkhun, Evis WY , ZOU SHUNLI Composed by Nichkhun, Song Jiwook Arranged by Song Jiwook

