- 歌曲
- 时长
This Album is My brother Kirk Bennett. He passed away four years ago in a terrible car accident. He was always the musician of the family and was born to sing and write. He loved music, it was his passion and life. He was very funny and charismatic and had an awesome heart ,especially when it came to helping other people. Before he passed away he recorded four songs in the studio. He wrote all of his songs in just a matter of minutes and turned them into masterpieces. My brother was just 20 years old when he passed and was just beginning to perform and sing in places as well as work on the album he was creating. I was determined to finish his dream and make it come true for him. I have more of his music that i am working on so trust me there will be more to come. I can only hope that his music will inspire you to never give up on yourself nor a dream because dreams really do come true. Since my brothers death, his inspiration has lead me to begin a christian album, i also have my music on here as well. My name is Heavens Guiding Star and my album is called Never Give Up. The last song i recorded i found him singing it so i made a duo in the studio. That song is very special because finally we are singing together, even after hes gone. Without my brother Kirk, this dream would have never been possible. Thank you for taking the time to read about him and please enjoy this short album and being apart of a dream that really did come true.