My name is "FAYTE", born Deborah R. Holdorf, I have been called FAYTE since 1998. I took the name "FAYTE" when all my music and drive came back to me one day and I knew my passion was to write and teach through my music. Just getting the right connections I needed in this last two years to drive me to Georgia, July 15th, 2007 from Anch., Ak., I packed all of my belongings I could fit in my Tahoe and hit the road, my calling, my destiny, drove me to Atlanta. Leaving my sick Mother behind who is fighting Cancer, it was time for me to do this before it was too late. Struggling through all the hustle and games in this industry, I HAD IT, THE LAST STRAW....A person in the industry (we will leave names out)had some great plans for my career, we started working together and then all of a sudden our project slowed down, (I believe due to me not having a CLOSE (you know) relationship with him), I called him on it!! He got angry and threatened he knows everyone in the music business and will make sure I never have a career, "He will see to it!!!" I would like to thank him for those words of encouragement!! The next day I teamed up with RAW BEATS and wrote an amazing song titled "HEY MAMMA", I phoned GATEWAY FOR CANCER RESEARCH, told them the story of my mother and they are excited as I am for this single project to help raise money for this LIFE SAVING RESEARCH. I feels good to be able to incorporate my music with something so positive. Look for "HEY MAMMA" May 2008. HELP SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!! A portion the the sales will be donated to GATEWAY FOR CANCER RESEARCH!!! Make a difference!!