

  • 流派:Folk 民谣
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2011-04-15
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


Intro (Meg Anderson, Jeremy Cox) Meg Anderson - vocals, midi harp Phoebe Spier - vocals Jeremy Cox - percussion Matt Aurand - percussion Rhoda - (Meg Anderson. Words by Virginia Woolf) Meg Anderson - vocals, midi harp Phoebe Spier - vocals Jeremy Cox - percussion Matt Aurand - percussion Yet there are moments when the walls of the mind grow thin And nothing is unabsorbed And i could fancy that we might blow so vast  So vast a bubble that   The sun might set  And rise in it And we might take  The blue of midday And the black of  Midnight and be cast off  And escape from here and now   As if a miracle had happened And life were stayed here and now And said rhoda we had no more to live   And you're all there  Caught in understanding I know you, loo loo loo loo And i could fancy that  We might go so vast  So vast and wild away Away Jinny - (Meg Anderson. Words by Virginia Woolf) Meg Anderson - vocals Carrie Owen - vocals Paul Owen - vocals Parrish Collier - vocals Jeremy Cox - percussion, fender rhodes, beatbox Jamsion Sevits - percussion, keyboards, beatbox, trumpet Annette Bjorling - harp  "Jinny" began in 2006 when I was a student at the Bloom School of Jazz. The first riff of the song came on the buss ride home after working the Aeolian mode in class. I began building on and later arranged it for an adaptation of Virginia Wolfe's playpoem, "The Waves" in November 2009.  After that show, Jeremy took the rehearsal-recording and secretly worked on it with Jamison, adding auxiliary percussion and other lilting and groovy moments. I was so surprised and delighted and we carried it around with us for a year until the tour when we finally overlaid the vocals. How proudly we sit here Dazzle of youth All's clear all's firm  Without shadow or illusion Our flesh is firm and cool Our differences are clear cut   As the shadow of rocks in full sunlight Days and days are to come The fruit is swollen beneath the leaf Winter days summer days   With infinite time before us What shall we do Watch the coals turn crimson Reach for books shout with laughter? All is to come   For one moment only before the chain breaks Before disorder returns see us held in a vice But now the circle breaks the current flows the passions grow And pound us with their waves jealously envy desire And now something deeper than they stronger than love And more subterranean  Net of light loop of time ring of steal white words Islands of light swimming on the grass   With infinite time before us What shall we do Watch the coals turn crimson Reach for books shout with laughter? All is to come   I could make a dozen stories  Of what he said of what she said And i can see a dozen pictures But what are stories toys i twist bubbles i  Blow one ring passing through another And sometimes i doubt if there are stories What is my story what is rhoda's what is neville's There is truth there is fact  That it true, that is fact But beyond is all darkness and conje . . .  cture Felicity - (Jeremy Cox, Meg Anderson) Meg Anderson - vocals Jeremy Cox - piano Jamsion Sevits - trumpet Matt Aurand - bass guitar Annette Bjorling - harp Jeremy wrote this song for his new baby niece, Felicity, who we had the privilege of meeting when she first arrived this past October 2011.   Lightseed - (Meg Anderson) Meg Anderson - vocals, keyboard Carrie Owen - vocals Jeremy Cox - percussion, vocoder, drum programming Matt Aurand - bass guitar  Anitya Movement 1 - (Meg Anderson) Meg Anderson - vocals, percussion Carrie Owen - vocals Jeremy Cox - percussion Matt Aurand - percussion Fred Poetzsch - drum programming  Mid-Tour on our drive from the midwest to the Portland, I played this ditty for Jeremy that I had sung in a cafe in the fall of 2005. The melodies and rhythms came in pieces, so it didn't occur to me to put them on the album -- It overwhelmed me to think of creating one song out of them. Then Jeremy suggested three different movements. Brilliant.  Carrie does an exquisite job on all three. I arrived at her house in Sacramento to rehearse and heard her crystal clear voice effortlessly ringing through the walls. A composer's dream.  The other aspect of Anitya Movement 1 that continues to delight me is the syncopation that Jeremy and Matt created with clapping! I like it so much it makes me laugh. I have never really known the meaning of the lyrics for Anitya Movements 1 and 2. Like most of the songs, the music came first on these too, but in this case I never bothered to apply words that made much sense, leaving it as a mixture of gibberish and nonsense phrases, until it was time to record. Then I shaped them a little further, but not much, into a meaning that I was beginning to glean from them. So they remain a bit cryptic with pieces of "sense". I'd be interested in your interpretation. Anitya Movement 1 a matter of course and tender as i  d d d dee ya… d d d dee i am as i,  dear at end of the day we hand it all away d d d d …  … the end of the end of the end of the end of doo doo doo doo dee ya i'm the leaf  and to the soil i spin and go dying  d d d d dee yea… doo doo doo doo dee ya i'm allegiance  lu lu lu lucky hold me in combat i commin ahind you and he and i  who are the babies, i could amaze these ba ba ba ... do doo doo doo doo i hum i high and die along the hundred flips from the ant hill so mind we have all behind i and an angel dim why and by the fire i saw higher a moment my head n i all came a sire and know i'm not any in a fog i offer that shower n n now you see the fire in my head and n now you see my gender call it a sea shell gone, covered up on the land gone to sand the end i fold into fool's illusion doo doo doo… hey doo doo doo… these and i  start with rock end in sand silly mind make sense of the eternal i was on the edge to fall a lonely demon count all the reminders long list you know boom whatever that you were, then such a ride now a lie when i am a tomb i am a diamond      Anitya Movement 2 - (Meg Anderson) Meg Anderson - vocals Carrie Owen - vocals Jeremy Cox - piano, drum programming Anitya Movement 2 i am owning  up  in order to enter into see what  i brought to the surface when you were sleeping we opened up in a dream you were standing too close to the  edge and  the sun brightly sinking  we'll be faceless in the end of the end of the eternal star grows up and swallows these and i hand in light rehearsal hang night in front of the eternal Somebody brought the world to light and opened up a hole in the sky wide open are the fools wide open the wise come gently oh my heart the right path to find said i said it all in a light bright he is loving these and i hi we see the sky somebody brought the world to light and opened up a hole in the sky  wide open are the fools wide open the wise come quickly oh my heart the right path to fly Anitya Movement 3 - (Meg Anderson) Meg Anderson - vocals Carrie Owen - vocals  I've been carrying the first line of this song for years imagining Carrie's voice the whole time just to hold in my mind the proper vocal application -- I didn't know I would be recording the lady herself 5 years later. What a blessings. . . I think we got it right.  The rest of the lyrics and tune were inspired by a conversation Jeremy, Carrie and I had about reincarnation and samsara. Carrie, conveniently holding a Religious Studies Degree, filled in some gaps for us in these basic concepts and beliefs and the conversation was good and filling; The melody and lyrics effortlessly poured out of me the next day.  The song is both a realization - the freedom found in "Anitya" being the only constant -- and it is also a lament for and a commiseration with each human being who struggles for relief from the great search no matter how mundanely it manifests.  Anitya Movement 3 oo oo oo oo I carry this to freedom oo oo oo oo and break my site in a thousand shards of light delude my heart up to an annihilated height  and cancel day with night and all my answer effortlessly come streaming and all the broken of us could cycle into a cir- cle when  no more to begin and never again end Spectrum - (Meg Anderson) Meg Anderson - vocals Phoebe Spier - vocals Tiffany Jones Brown - vocals Jeremy Cox - percussion, drumset, vocoder Aaron Krister Johnson - piano Matt Aurand - percussion What great fun it was to meet up with Phoebe and Tiffani in Portland where they learned and executed “Spectrum” in an afternoon helping me create a powerful choir effect, and Phoebe busting through so righteously coming out of the fugue.  Aaron Krister Johnson, created this fugue that swells and makes you want to move and Jeremy pushes it over the edge. Tiffani appropriately named it “Beat Bach”.  Spectrum Oh we'll weigh the same words Oh'll I am a dancer in love earth All I recover rain by blood or run into that again I call and a caught again of whas arye. Oh wind at her wings and I am, oh lord in a new day Hopely win, na na na, even hold my shadow oh na na na na na …  Oh we'll weigh the same words Oh'll I am a dancer in love earth All I recover rain by blood or run into that again I call and a caught again of whas a-- Messi--anicha is Messiah  This I anicha is this I Messiah, This I, …  Lullaby - (Meg Anderson) Meg Anderson - vocals Michael Anderson - vocals This tune was created in the summer of 2003 when I directed Imaginary Solutions in close collaboration with Nell Weatherwax (whose 5-acre back yard was our stage) as well as Kate Mcdonnell, Carrie Owen and Marian Conaty. It spilled out of me one afternoon walking around the IU campus as I thought of how to enhance the scene where firefly-like lights emerge from the dark forest. When we were in San Diego this past Christmas, 2010, I set up the recording equipment on a whim and asked my dad to lay down a couple tracks. Thanks Dad! Lullaby  Oh My Children Dance like the Sunlight Across the black eternity Walking through the forest to our home A la la le le lu Birdsong - (Meg Anderson. Words by Annika Johnson and Meg Anderson) Meg Anderson - vocals Elodie Lafont - vocals Jonathan Sexton - vocals Jamison Sevits - vocals, bass Jeremy Cox - drumset, beatbox Josh Hobbs - guitar Steve Corrigan - vibes The making of "The Birdsong" practically began and ended the tour. Jeremy worked with the Knoxville crew to complete the musical arrangement; we were also generously received at Elodie and Jonathan's where we laid down some vocals. And then the piece was put on hold because the delicacy of the arrangement was not matching up to my original vision; the two would not reconcile in my hard head until 5 months later in San Diego when I was graced with the idea to use my niece's words for the lyrics. My sister had captured Annika's personal tale when she discovered a little bird that had died from flying into a window at Grandma's house. The heart of this story matched the heart of the arrangement and illuminated the fine work of the Knoxville musicians; I was freed from my stubbornness and “The Birdsong” was born! The Birdsong And in and out we breathe and we are gone And on and on we love and move along And out and out we grow and go to seed And on and up we're dust and we are freed   She young so small said, "let me tell you about the bird. He flew high to the window but the window knocked him down And he was in blood on the ground   "Why," she said "I was very very mad at him"   "We tried to wash it up but we couldn't So we were waiting for the rain to do it And he was awful dead and i petted him like this And i wanted to slumber it in my arms like this But i couldn't Grandma throwed him away"   Tiny flight, Tiny love, Tiny life How so big every time   Get up every heart and mind-filled form Dance disintegrate into a dusty storm Round again embodying the why  Cant the colors be so everlasting in the sky   Oh the going on the going on the going on We worldly going on the going on the going on She worldy going on singing oh the birdsong   Produced by Jeremy Cox and Meg Anderson Engineered by Jeremy Cox, Meg Anderson, Jamison Sevits, Matt Aurand, and Nick Corrigan Mixed by Fred Poetzsch, Jeremy Cox, and Meg Anderson Mastered by Fred Poetzsch Recorded in Knoxville, TN; Nashville, TN; Bloomington, IN; Chicago, IL; Ypsilanti, MI; Portland, OR; Richmond, CA; Sacramento, CA; Newport Coast, CA; San Diego, CA
