- 歌曲
- 时长
疫情的袭来让在美留学的我无法回校正常上课,在我的导师Dr. Keith White的指引下我创作了四首小作品,希望它们能够带给我亲爱的听众们一些愉悦的感受,并与我的好友们一起居家线上演奏,尽管大家只是通过视频的方式而不在同一场合一起演奏,我们仍旧希望这些乐音能够带来精神上的阳光。 From Evan Jarvicks (Uncovering Oklahoma): Enzhe Zheng (https://soundcloud.com/enzhe-zheng) is a University of Central Oklahoma composition student to whom I had the pleasure of being introduced earlier this year at an Electric Pizza concert at UCO Jazz Lab. I’m grateful I did because his musical output during the quarantine has been comforting and inspiring. Even with my level of Oklahoma music awareness, I probably would not have been aware of it if not for that chance meeting in February. His recent works are beautifully contemplative with an occasional dash of experimentation. Since they often require only a few musicians to perform, they can be recorded virtually, and Zheng has taken advantage of this given how social distancing has affected band and ensemble music. His composite videos posted to Facebook have provided a rare bit of joy in my otherwise quite dour social media feed. - 2020年4月7日 <Dear Wolrd> - UCO将课程转移至网课之后的第二周,Dr. White给我们作曲学生布置了一个项目,我们每周都要创作并上传自己的小作品,来让大家感到愉悦并让大家微笑。我被安排在了周二。 希望这个简单的小作品能让居家的朋友们带来一点点温暖。 PLEASE SMILE! Composer & Piano: Enzhe Zheng Violin I: Maria Marcos Violin II: Hua Fan Viola: Weiyi Wang Cello: Yunda Li - 2020年4月13日 <Stars in the Bamboo Forest> - 本周带来一首民族乐器与电子音乐的混搭 《竹林中的星辰》,希望大家喜欢~ “当我躺在一片竹林之中,我看着繁星点点,又思考到了宇宙万物,恍然醒来发现自己仍旧躺在这片竹林之中。” 感谢这几位身处国内外好朋友的帮忙。奇怪的音和奇怪的反拍希望没有吓到你们… 作曲&键盘:郑恩哲 古筝:陈雁儿 琵琶:张惠尧 二胡:吴悠 - 2020年4月21日 <Back to Childhood> - 忙忙碌碌,偶尔放松一下回想小时候单纯的样子也挺舒服的。 请大家搭乘我的时光机开始新的一天吧! Composer & Keyboard: Enzhe Zheng Trumpet: Gabe Carter Violin I: Maria Marcos Violin II: Jose Batty - 2020年4月28日 <Again and Agian & Again> - 把平时煮饭的东西拿出来敲敲打打, 好在邻居没来投诉。 这段时间的生活就是无趣找有趣~