拉丁似火(拉丁音乐的十二种节奏 美洲团队原味)

拉丁似火(拉丁音乐的十二种节奏 美洲团队原味)

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2020-04-16
  • 唱片公司:瑞鸣音乐
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


拉丁似火Latin Fire 舞动激情火辣的狂欢韵律 奔赴一场活力四射的音乐之旅 Passionate, energetic dance music, taking you on a musical journey full of surprises. 鼓点击响,乐声激荡。踏步、舒展、摇摆、旋转,以古铜色的修长肢体,以豪放不羁的腰身,带着狂热的迷幻气息,和独具魅惑的神秘性感。舞,如炽热灼烧的火焰,似激情暗涌的海潮,倾尽灵魂的情感,倾尽欲望的能量。丰满诱人的双唇,和应着粗犷而热烈的节拍,歌唱激昂跌宕的曲调,在人群中激起一片俏皮而带有挑逗意味的口哨。 无论是在碧波白沙环绕的棕榈林中,还是在浸透了历史沧桑的彩色建筑物间,每当动感而火辣的舞蹈韵律响起,仿佛都可以使人忘却了人生路途中的苦难,超脱了对生死的执悟,置身于自由豪情之中。拉丁美洲歌舞音乐,承载着这片古老土地数千年来所积蓄的厚重而辉煌的记忆,承载着近代史上充满纷争和离乱的百年孤独,却是以最质朴而充满活力的形式表现出来。赤诚而纯真的热情,流淌在拉美民族的血脉之中,穿过山峦与河流,连接着来自不同地域的人们,并最终以舞曲的形式打动了全世界,成为拉丁美洲最具代表性和影响力的文化标志。 歌之音韵,舞之节律,在拉美民族的心中是不可分割的整体。当原住民印第安人的原始音乐文化,与来自伊比利亚半岛的征服者所带来的欧洲音乐文化碰撞融和,再受到被遣送到新大陆的非洲奴隶的音乐文化的冲击,便诞生了以节奏为灵魂的拉丁音乐。在加勒比海风轻抚的哈瓦那,方形广场的石板路上,人们载歌载舞演绎着狂热而略带神秘的曼波,和辛辣率性的萨尔萨。在充满古老风韵的墨西哥城,由繁复的浮雕装饰的小酒馆里,宾客纷纷沉浸于欢快而略带俏皮的恰恰韵律。摇曳多变而最富于动感的桑巴,属于“天使之城”里约热内卢。当狂欢节的号令响起,以华丽的羽毛装饰身体的巴西女郎们,将随着节奏激昂明快的乐队行进,展现出最热情性感的舞姿。 瑞鸣音乐首次将足迹延伸至南半球,在沧桑辽阔而又充满奇妙活力的拉丁美洲,捕捉最具动感的“世界的声音”。丹颂、曼波、萨尔萨、恰恰、桑巴、波萨诺瓦、拉丁爵士……制作人叶云川精心挑选了十二首热力四射的拉丁金曲,以最具激情的演绎方式,向人们展示多姿多彩充满魅力的拉丁文化。本张专辑的录音地点,是一间曾为著名乐团林肯公园打造千万销量专辑的传奇录音棚。去年刚刚荣获格莱美奖提名的Oskar Cartaya与格莱美奖金牌录音师Adam Kagan,在制作过程中展现了自己的精湛功力,令这些看似风格迥异的乐曲,如一块块形状完美契合的拼图,通过资深拉丁音乐家们酣畅淋漓的现场演奏,为拉美民族献上一幅色彩斑斓的灵魂画像。 《花生小贩》、《马兰加》、《生命是一场狂欢》、《两朵栀子花》……时而热血涌动,潇洒豪迈,如同基督像目光俯瞰下里约城的蓬勃生机。时而柔情摇摆,浪漫沉郁,如同那些陈旧却绚丽的建筑物中掩盖不住的欧洲风情。时而高亢悠长而令人心生向往,仿佛随山鹰穿越苍茫辽远的安第斯山脉,倾听这诞生于新大陆之上,由多元文化和血脉融和所孕育而出的最奇妙的声响,那是灵魂对生命本质的不懈追问,音乐给人类的永恒答案。 Foreword: The drumbeat kicks in, and music fills the air. Tap, twist, swing and sway, as dancers with skin the color of bronze give themselves over to the rhythm, becoming a part of the mesmerizing, dreamy atmosphere and characteristically exotic sound of Latin music. Their dance is like the curling licking of hot flames, of molten lava rushing up from the earth, giving free reign to the energy and desires from deep within the soul. The songstress’s irresistibly kissable lips give life to the straightforward yet passionate lyrics of the song, as the light, whimsical beat carries the music onward, spreading throughout the bodies of all those gathered round. Throughout Rio de Janeiro’s white sandy beaches, palm groves and colorfully quaint rustic buildings, whenever live music begins to be played, it’s as if time seems to freeze, and nothing else in the world matters. Latin music embodies the bountiful and glorious memories of this millennia-old land, and abounds with the experience accumulated through countless years of historical conflicts, yet it expresses these in the most simplistic and dynamic ways. The blood of the Latin people courses with earnest and genuine passion, and connects many different regions spanning across varied and complex topographies, to amalgamate into a form of dance music that has taken the world by storm, serving as one of the most influential symbols of Latin culture. The rhythm and soul of song and dance are inseparable from the hearts of the Latin people. Latin music has roots in the early music of local natives, further diversified via contact with European settlers from the Iberian Peninsula, and later empowered by the musical culture of African slaves who were brought to the New Land, all of these coming together to form a truly unique and captivating sound. Throughout the square courtyards and cobblestone roads of Havana, amidst the warm Caribbean breeze, people can be seen and heard playing and dancing to the fervent and exotic sound of mamba, as well as fiery hot salsa music. In the rustic streets of Mexico City, among the small bars adorned with layered relief wood carvings, patrons engross themselves in the catchy, playful sound of the cha cha. The dynamic and irresistibly moving rhythms of samba originate in Rio de Janeiro, aptly known as the “Marvelous City”. Once the music signaling the Carnival festivities have begun, the locals fill the streets, many clad in extravagant garb accentuated with colorful feathers, and dance the night away to the never-ending beat of the energetic music. For this album Rhymoi Music makes their first trek into the Southern Hemisphere, to the vast, exotic lands of Latin America, to capture this form of music which the world has come to love. Spanning across genres such as danzon, mambo, salsa, cha cha, samba, bossa nova and Latin jazz, producer Ye Yunchuan has selected 12 ,classic Latin songs, and portrayed them through high-energy performances, so as to fully portray the stunning charm of Latin culture. This album was recorded at NRG Recording Studios, Linkin Park recorded many of theirs. The production team is joined by Oskar Cartaya, who received a Grammy nomination in 2017, and Grammy gold star recording artist Adam Kagan, who bring their vast body of experience and expertise to the compilation, expertly crafting these songs of such varied sound and style into an intricately balanced mosaic, while the heartfelt performances of the musicians offer widely diverse and representative tribute to the people and music of Latin America. The songs on the album, including El Manisero, La Malanga, La Vida Es Un Carnival and Dos Gardenias, at times exhibit sheer and utter magnificence rivaling that of Christ the Redeemer, to the rustic, at times reveling in the laidback atmosphere of Rio’s backstreets, and at times full of vigor and hope toward the world, as if embodying the boundless stretches of the Andes as they roll across the countryside. This music, born on the soil of the New World through the miraculous fusion of various peoples and cultures, not only serves as a reflection on the existence of life and the human soul, but also as a powerful embodiment of the importance of music to humankind. 音乐总监、录音师简介: Adam Kagan 录音师,在过去的二十年里,包括为R&B、流行音乐、摇滚乐、福音和拉丁流行明星,录制、混音、全程创作和制作了超过20张格莱美提名专辑。项目囊括了每一个在美国、英国、韩国和日本的唱片公司,比如艺术家Elton John,R&B传奇人物Gladys Knight,Babyface,Ke$ha,嘻哈明星Kanye West以及2017年被格莱美提名最佳拉丁爵士专辑获得者Oskar Cartaya。Adam Kagan是美国录音艺术与科学学会(NARAS)的成员,也是格莱美奖的投票成员。 音乐总监简介: Oskar Cartaya 贝司演奏家和制作人,多次以音乐制作人的身份,合作过多位超级明星和艺术家,在贝司演奏、作曲和编排方面才华横溢。Oskar定居过波多黎哥、纽约和洛杉矶,那些城市对他独树一帜的创作风格影响深远。在贝司演奏及音乐制作方面,Oskar已经和Herb Alpert、 Jennifer Lopez,、Steve Winwood、 Spyro Gyra 以及 the late Tito Puente多位超级明星合作,且成绩斐然。Oskar也给电影创作曲目,包括Jodie Foster的经典作品《超时空接触》,已经多次赢得格莱美获奖专辑的殊荣。 制作成员: 出品/监制:丁磊 叶云川 制作人:叶云川 音乐总监: Oskar Cartaya Adam Kagan 录音:Adam Kagan 音乐助理:刘雨婷 Jennifer Ordonez 中文文案:赵子涵 英文文案:安仁良 摄影:YC 平面设计:张洪科 后期制作统筹:徐逸飞 录音棚:NRG Recording Studios 出品:瑞鸣音乐
